This is a fact filled message to all brothers and sisters out there whom have allowed their psyches to be defeated by the hype that our native African family is dying by the thousands, hundreds, or even daily of the HIV/AIDS virus. This is serious! All over CNN, USA today and any other Western and western minded news media available you will find the statistics on AIDS show an over whelming population of native Africans infected with the virus or dead from it. Let me tell you this is shearly an attack on our mental-it's called self defeatism. Africans in America should now plenty about self-defeatism. We've been attacked with it by so many diffrent angles I can't even count anymore but just to remind you of a few, i.e. 'black is ugly,' the heavy importation of drugs in our communities (which was later admitted by the CIA) the Willy Lynch "breaking of a slave' project. You get it?
However, when our brothers/sisters in Africa face the same types of attacks we read the statistics then decide to take our vacation in Europe. Let me tell how I know about this.
First and foremost, I read a book titled "Black Men, Single, Obselete, or Dangerous." I can't recall the author, sorry. But inside the book in chapter 19 written by the late Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael, is a wealth of information about the HIV/AIDS virus and how it was actually a concoction of the World Health Organization(WHO). A mixture of Small Pox and various other diseases (not specifically stated in the chapter) compose the ingredients for the deadly virus. When I read this I was stunned. No longer did I believe any of the so called facts about AIDS given in our local and national news mediums. Ture went on to prove that the WHO took their newly developed disease to 7 different countries in Africa, also Haiti, Gautemala and a few other South American countries, on one of their 'let's go save the savages in third world countries' missionary health ventures.
So WHO set up camp with the propaganda that 'we are here to offer you medicine' and the unsuspecting Africans participated and recieved what they believed to be vacinations. They were injected with HIV/AIDS. Ture explains that this was only reported in one newspaper in London, UK for one day and never reported again anywhere. He happened to find that one publication. I read that in 1991. Anyway, a few years later, I graduated from college and became a news reporter myself. In 1994 I worked as education reporter for the Afro-American Newspapers in Baltimore. I met and talked with one of the founding members of WHO whom is also a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. (JHU is one of our major stat sources of the AIDs in Africa campaign). As a growing revolutionary, I asked the very old man who helped found WHO if his organization had any involvement with the spread of the AIDS virus in Africa. He became very flustered and blatantly refused to respond to what he called "my ridiculous question." I could tell he was guilty-actions speak louder than words.
To add to my unattempted discoveries about this human devastation, I recently travelled to Ghana West Africa and stayed for almost a year. I worked as a journalist at a newspaper, radio station and in a school of journalism. All the news mediums in Ghana pull their news from BBC, CNN and other popular western news sources, so as you can magine their news reports were full of scares about how many of their fellow citizens are dying daily of AIDS. Commercials on Ghana channels i.e. TV3 report that 200 Ghanaians alone die of AIDS every day. However, I witnessed very healthy, strong, hard-working Ghanaians who never appeared to show signs of decay from a illness as deadly as AIDS. The news reports say their are no treatment facilities for AIDS patients, that's why they die in such large numbers. However, I witnessed a hospital system that didn't have the resources or staff to even determine who had HIV/AIDS. No research companies were coming in the country to take stats to gather their info on who had AIDS or not.
Futhermore, most Ghanaians would never rely on their hospital systems for care anyway. The costs for medical attention is too high and with no money you receive no care. The overwhelming majority of people relied on the bush. Natural medicine taken straight ftom their tropical environment. I received treatment for Malaria from their natuarl herbs and it took me from near death to health and vibrancy in a week. Most communities have a natural healer who services them according to their financial means and most people eat an etremely healthy diet, especially those living in the villages. Thay are the strongest, purest Africans in the African countries. They maintain more traditonal African ways of eating, working and living, as opposed to those in the cities. But it is the village Africans that our news mediums really attack with this AIDS scare. They are least likely, their immune systems are incredibly strong due to an accurate diet and daily work. Plus it is impossible to find and count them to determine if any have AIDS or not. Plenty conscious, revolutionary Ghanaians are enraged when they see and hear the news propaganda saying lies about how they are dying daily of this concocted virus.
Obviously, the Africans who were victims of the WHO health mission back in the late 70's and early 80's either died or were imuune to the disease, (which is possible, even recent news reports say the best way to cure AIDS is a strong immune system).
I returned to America only two months ago with a Ghanain husband who is healthy and strong and the intent to inform Blacks that the stats on AIDS in Africa are lies. Think about it. No one, i.e. JHU or WHO is there researching, treating, or testing any African who can't afford to go for testing anyway to determine whether the virus exists there or not, so how do we get all the stats? Ask questions, people, and never believe the hype. My advice is to schedule you next vacation in West Africa, it's paradise and the brothers are sisters are amazingly just like you.
Peace out.
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