Shocking, isn't it! It started with Septimus Severus and ended with the
Moors. To summarize: * Black rulership of the Roman Empier begain in
193 A.D. with African born, Roman Emperor Septimus Severus, a full
blooded African. There were four other Black emperors after the Severus
dynasty. * Often called the father of military strategy, Hannibal,
another full blooded African, performed the astounding feat of crossing
the Alps on elephants in 218 B.C. With only 26,000 of his original force
of 82,000 troops remaining, Hannibal defeated Rome, the mightiest
military power of the age, who had a million men, in every battle for the
next fifteen years. His tactics are still taught in leading military
academies of the U.S., Europe & other lands. * Black rulership was
widespread in Europe during the "Dark" & Middle Ages! * The orignal
"knights" were Black! -including the knights of King Arthur's Round
Table! That's why they were called "knights" after the night or darkness
of their skin. * An African king named Gormund, ruled Ireland during the
Anglo-Saxon period in England, reports the medieval historian, Geoffrey
of Monmouth. * Halfdan the Black, who was Africoid, was the first king
to unite Norway. * When the British Isles were invaded by the Vikings
some of these Norse raiders were Africoid. In fact different varieties
of 'Viking' Africans lived in Scandinavia during the Middle ages and are
frequently mentioned in Viking sagas. * There were Black Huns! The
dictionary describes the Huns as "a fierce barbaric race of Asiatic
nomads who, led by Attila, ravaged Europe i the 4th and 5th centuries
A.D." The Gothic writer Jordannes described their infamous leader,
Attila the Hun as having "a flat nose and swarthy complextion." He
describes the types od Huns he had seen as "of dark complexion, almost
black... broad sholder, flat noses and small eyres." * The African Moors
dominated southwest Europe during the Middle Ages for 700 years: 711-1492
A.D. (se page 6)
Europe's royal familes descended from Black/mulatto rulers!
This makes sense when you know that African's ruled Europe for 1400
years. Africans introduced the concept of royalty to the European whe
were initially uncivilized barbarians. African ancestry in the Europeans
is well documented in Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers. To list
a few: the Black Queen Charlotte Sophie - the grand daughter of Queen
Victoria - who was also the consort of George III & the great, great
grandmother of Louis XVI. Jean Baptiste Bemadotte who founded the present
day royal Swedish family. The Medicis, the Gonzagas, the Duchess of
Alafoes, St.Hilaire - son of Louis XV ... this is why some of Europe's
oldest royal/noble families are called the "Black Nobility" though they
are "white"?
There are no "pure whites". Race purity is a big myth.
Europeans and their "white Americans" descendants have much African blood
from centuries of miscegenation with Africans: * That's why Spaniards,
Greeks and Italians are so dark. * African Moors ruling southwest Europe
centuries, darkened whites in this area, especially Portal, which was
"the first example of a Negrito (African) republic in Europe." Moors
ruling Scotland in the 10th century mixed with whites until they
disappeared. * Black Celts (Silures) & Black Vikings vixed with the
Scandinavia people. * The black blood type is common even in Nordic
Europe where intermixing has been happening since antiquity. * Even
Hitler's family had some Black blood, reports the New York Times 7/1/40.
The Huns inclued Black Mongolians who mixed heavily with the 'Aryan
Germans.' * Black slavery lasted in England for about 400 years
(1440-1834), during which time much intermixing occured. For details on
Europe's Aficna history / ancestry in whites: Ivan Van Sertima: African
Presence in Early Europe, J.A. Rogers: Nature Know No Color Line and Sex
and Race (all volumes), Edward Scobie Black Britannia, and David
MacRitchie: Ancient & Modern Britons.Yes Beethoven was Black. So were five U.S. presidents!.
*Beethoven was a dark Moorish mulatto called "The Black Spaniard." His
teacher, the immortal Joseph Hayden, was also a mulatto! (Khamit-Kush:
What They Never Told You In History Class) In The Five Negro Presidents,
J.A. Rogers documents the mulatto indentity of five American presidents!
(Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Warren Harding, Andrew Jackson &
Abraham Lincoln)
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