In summation, the 1965 Voting Rights Act Bill is the only of its kind and it's catered ONLY to American-Afrikanz, where every 25 yearz, officialz (officialz, voterz put in office) of the United States Government meet to decide whether they should grant American-Afrikanz the right to vote. Again, this bill is EXCLUSIVELY for us! No other ethnic background has to go through this! They have the "priviledge" to vote as long as there is a voting system. We on the other hand? They gotta decide if we're worthy enuff every quarter of a century!. If this does not slap you in the face emphatically telling our people we are still and remain second-class "citizenz" (if you wanna call us that), what does?? The question is more than 'why', it should also be, 'what are they afraid of?' What potential power do we have lying sleep within us they're aware of, that we aren't?!
Many feel the only way you can change something is by participation. I agree. But what if the Voting Rights Act Bill of 2006 didn't pass?? What if they decide not to pass it the next tyme around; how could one make change then?! We have to consider this as a possibility and therefore, make alternative strategic planz, both while we're currently "granted" the right to vote and once they decide to take it away! One way, for those willing to use their voting "power", is to apply pressure for more results from our s0-called politicianz. For more on that, read, 'Back When Revoltionareez Were Real - Update', or go to daghettotymz.com/current/revolutionareezupdate/revolutionareezupdate.html.
"We, the People," have falsely bought into the belief that the actual maintenance and direction of the U.S. Government can be altered, edited, and even re-routed, every four yearz. Joseph Stalin of Russia once said, "People who vote decide nothing, people who count the vote, decides everything". Need a more recent reference? How about the 2000 Presidential election, remember Bush vs. Al Gore and the state of Florida?? How many hedz knew about the last election where we had two Skull&Bones memberz runnin' against each other?
This government is not run by the people, but by an unseen puppeteer. We've been duped to believe every four yearz, we can bring a new face in with fresh ideas, but aside from all the pre-election speeches with them talkin' about what they're gonna do once in office, have these thingz really been done once in office? Would I be wrong in thinkin' that regardless of who was in office as president, the U.S. has gone spiralling down the same path of eventual Babylonian-like destruction? I mean, ask yourselves, who outside of America likes America these dayz? We are more hated abroad than at any other tyme in recent history.
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