Princess Tiana1 The 19-year-old heroine. Anika Noni Rose
Charlotte La Bouff An 18-year-old spoiled, southern debutante and diva. Jennifer Cody
Dr. Facilier2 A Voodoo magician/fortune teller. The villain of the movie. Keith David
Mama Odie A 200-year-old Voodoo priestess/fairy Godmother. Jenifer Lewis
Ray A lovesick Cajun firefly. Jim Cummings
Louis Jazz singer alligator. Comic, manic, high-strung. Has a trumpet. Michael-Leon Wooley
Prince Naveen3 A gregarious, fun-loving Prince who comes to the French Quarter for the Jazz scene, in his early twenties. A young Cary Grant type. Bruno Campos
Lawrence Prince Naveen's pompous valet.
Peter Bartlett
Big Daddy La Bouff Wealthy, Southern Sugar Mill owner and father of Charlotte La Bouff. John Goodman
Eudora Tiana's mother. In her fifties.
Originally named "Maddy" on the casting call sheet and listed as a chambermaid. Both details have been confirmed as having changed in development.
The villain's name was originally "Dr. Duvalier" and was going to be a black Voodoo magician/fortune teller. In a recently updated script, he is both a palm reader and a Voodoo practitioner.
The prince's original name "Harry" has been replaced by "Naveen" in a revised script.
"My, My, My.. Where do I begin? First of all Disney is labeling this the First black princess and movie like they are doin US a favor. We have MANY nubian Goddess that are NOT recognized!! (And it will STRICTLY be up to US to bring OURSTORY to the surface. If you look closely you will see that she has blue eyes! hmmm. Here we have these Caucasian producers talking about Life on the Bayou which they Don't know Nuthing about and the setting is taking place is ONE of the most Racist states in the US.The "Prince" in the movie according the comments from above is Caucasian. ( But, of course you will have some Nubians who don't think that nuthin is wrong wit this) They will knock the doors down at the box office while dragging all their young goddess to see such Crap! Thenm they will go out and FULLY support this self-destruction by decorating the child's room this material, lunch boxes, book bads, sleeping bags, etc..."
"Check it>>>The Villian is black male and the Cook (princess father) is black and here comes this "White Knight shinning armour" prince to the rescue. I can 100% guarantee you that Disney didnt think ONCE to make Beast a Black male at the end of Beauty and the Beast....do you get my point now? YEEEES! (hidden Agendas) .. I would also like to ADD that the Villian in the movie as stated is>>Dr. Facilier2 A Voodoo magician/fortune teller. Hmmm Voodoo Magician( Villian) BAD! hmmm.. When "WE" as a people gonna WAKE DA HELL UP! Still relyin on the BEAST to TELL OUR STORY or give US some recognition. All of these So Called BLACK Producers, should have sumting to say about this movie Better yet, Create OUR own! Here it is Alicia Keys and Tyra banks trying to get the role for this movie and have enough money between them to create OUR own movies and right this wrong... but da beast got a JOB to do..and it is being done to almost sheer perfection! "
Comments by : Auset's Chamber
A couple of things you should know.
Be aware that the Princess and the frog is being based of an African-American version of the story. Disney is just trying to stick to that story, which they are doing a horrible job at because originally the girl name was suppose to be Maddy and a servant for a white woman. Which they are not going to show for obvious reasons. They have no control over the setting of the story.
The pic you have is like 2 years old, you should look around for the recent character designs or look at the trailer.
Also they changing the race of the vilian because so many AAs complained.
Also the prince is not white anymore he is middle eastern.
I also think you should wait until the movie comes out before you actually start to judge it. I'm not saying that your wrong. I'm just saying that seeing how most of your info is outdated and the fact that disney is still working on the film. It is kind of unfair to judge it when its not even out yet.
I'm not going to lie. I am a 16 black girl and I am very excited about this movie coming out. But as excited as I am. I'm going to try my best and have a wait and see attitude before I start praising it.
Your blog seems a bit bias to me seeing how you didn't note any of the positive things about this movie, but the could be because of the outdated info you have.
All I'm asking is for you to keep an open mind.
They will knock the doors down at the box office while dragging all their young goddess to see such Crap! Thenm they will go out and FULLY support this self-destruction by decorating the child's room this material, lunch boxes, book bads, sleeping bags, etc..."
This where it seems a bit bias, or the right word I'm looking for is unfair. How exactly do you know this movie is crap? How do you know it is going to be self destruction to black females? I understand that you might use past examples for your reasoning but I can do the same.
What if I said a film by a black director is going to be crap or self-destruction just because of movies like Next Friday or Soul Plane. Than I would miss out on good movies like The color purple or School daze.
I truly understand where you coming from it is seriously messed up that we had to wait so long for a black princess. I also agree the black people do need to take control of there image.
When it comes to race disney has never gets it completely right and that even applies to there white princesses. But they do try and they don't intend to upset any racial group in the process. But you make it sound like they are. You also say that your trying to be open minded but it seems like you don't even want to give this movie a single chance.
As for positive things I like the fact that Disney is going back to 2d animation. There is also the fact that the female lead is not going to fall head over heels in love with the prince like so many other disney princess. I also like that it diving into the New Orleans culture which has deep African American roots. But these are the things that I like about the movie, you'll most likely disagree.
If you believe this movie has racist tendencies I have no problem with that, but actually see it before you say so.
First of all, I would like to say that when i posted this article this was the information that was given when RESEARCHING it on the net. Now, for Disney to change the dynamtics of the films because they were getting some flax from some Conscious nubians is all good. The MAIN thing that really gets me here is that people actually THINK they have to WAIT on Disney to GIVE US a Black Princess? Say Whaaa >> (above quote) truly understand where you coming from it is seriously messed up that we had to wait so long for a black princess. I think WE need to dig DEEEPer in OUR story and recognize that WE are Royalty.. Disney don't have to give Me a Black Princess>> I AM. So, Disney is Not doin me a favor. It is interesting how they went from a Caucasian Prince to a Middle Eastern? ..as stated above.. Why not a Nubian Prince? Can u tell me why? Or is that just to much.. Like Serious Hampton SAID it is 2008 and WE are STILL making excuses. I guess I beta be glad that Disney is at least making a film about a Black Princess... In my OPINION if you gonna Represent .. You NEED to ReP well.. don't gimme No half AZz story.. Because when Ur EYES are OPEN you can call it like it is. Sistren need to TEACH their young daughters to identify with the GODDESS within. Then and ONLY then they WILL STOP looking towards the Western world for some type of Validation. On ending this note, I feel like I can write a book. For those, who just look at this text as negative, What I would like to happen from this is for MORE nubian producers realize that if we want OUR story to be REP well WE must do it. Ifwe are going to lay down the foundation for Our children We must take a Stand! Disney KNOW that the whole Set up of this Film was a HOT MESS (changing the race of the vilian because so many AAs complained.)We as a people have So much POwer but We have digested the LIES for so long that WE can't even see the Truth in Plain Sight... ~Auset
You are all a bunch of racist idiots.
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