The Obama Deception
Damian Marley & Nas -"Patience"
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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told
Aug 26, 2008
Aug 24, 2008

“My decision to destroy the authority of the blacks in Saint Domingue (Haiti) is not so much based on considerations of commerce and money, as on the need to block for ever the march of the blacks in the world.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Many Self confessed blacks and whites fans of the dictator who died some 200 years ago, amongst whom there is a certain Dominique Devillepin, the embattled French Prime minister had to cringe when the book disclosing the genuine Napoleon hit book shop shelves. The book exposes with verifiable testimonies that, Napoleon was not just a venal warmonger whose love for conflicts set Europe in turmoil for 25 years and was only stopped by the British, it stripes Bonaparte naked. By showing the other macabre face of the dictator; racism, particularly his despise and hatred of Africans and people of African ancestry.
Claude Ribbe the author of the master piece dug out his precious information to supply his book from dusty historic manuscripts found in the national archives of France. He makes known to all that, Napoleon was not just a war monger amongst others of his many crimes. He was also ashamed of his African ancestry. In the book, we also discover that, Napoleon was the first organiser of genocide in the world. In other words, he holds the copy-rights in genocidal acts that have rocked humanity.
Ribbe tells us that, on the instruction of Napoleon, more than 1 million French citizens were massacred. Why? Simply because those targeted were Africans or of African ancestry and the massacres were carried out employing gruesome methods. Some Samples of methods used in massacring Africans or slaves as noted in the book are difficult and emotional to read. One way was to park his victims, men, women and children in ship hulls.
Fire was eventually set on sulphured wigs that were set at strategic places in the hull, which as it burns out, emitted a gaseous smoke, which suffocated the occupants to their painful death. Those who could not be suffocated in ship hulls were devoured by specially trained dogs, bought in the Island of Cuba that was under Spanish control.
Aug 20, 2008
The Frog Princess ???

Princess Tiana1 The 19-year-old heroine. Anika Noni Rose
Charlotte La Bouff An 18-year-old spoiled, southern debutante and diva. Jennifer Cody
Dr. Facilier2 A Voodoo magician/fortune teller. The villain of the movie. Keith David
Mama Odie A 200-year-old Voodoo priestess/fairy Godmother. Jenifer Lewis
Ray A lovesick Cajun firefly. Jim Cummings
Louis Jazz singer alligator. Comic, manic, high-strung. Has a trumpet. Michael-Leon Wooley
Prince Naveen3 A gregarious, fun-loving Prince who comes to the French Quarter for the Jazz scene, in his early twenties. A young Cary Grant type. Bruno Campos
Lawrence Prince Naveen's pompous valet.
Peter Bartlett
Big Daddy La Bouff Wealthy, Southern Sugar Mill owner and father of Charlotte La Bouff. John Goodman
Eudora Tiana's mother. In her fifties.
Originally named "Maddy" on the casting call sheet and listed as a chambermaid. Both details have been confirmed as having changed in development.
The villain's name was originally "Dr. Duvalier" and was going to be a black Voodoo magician/fortune teller. In a recently updated script, he is both a palm reader and a Voodoo practitioner.
The prince's original name "Harry" has been replaced by "Naveen" in a revised script.
"My, My, My.. Where do I begin? First of all Disney is labeling this the First black princess and movie like they are doin US a favor. We have MANY nubian Goddess that are NOT recognized!! (And it will STRICTLY be up to US to bring OURSTORY to the surface. If you look closely you will see that she has blue eyes! hmmm. Here we have these Caucasian producers talking about Life on the Bayou which they Don't know Nuthing about and the setting is taking place is ONE of the most Racist states in the US.The "Prince" in the movie according the comments from above is Caucasian. ( But, of course you will have some Nubians who don't think that nuthin is wrong wit this) They will knock the doors down at the box office while dragging all their young goddess to see such Crap! Thenm they will go out and FULLY support this self-destruction by decorating the child's room this material, lunch boxes, book bads, sleeping bags, etc..."
"Check it>>>The Villian is black male and the Cook (princess father) is black and here comes this "White Knight shinning armour" prince to the rescue. I can 100% guarantee you that Disney didnt think ONCE to make Beast a Black male at the end of Beauty and the Beast....do you get my point now? YEEEES! (hidden Agendas) .. I would also like to ADD that the Villian in the movie as stated is>>Dr. Facilier2 A Voodoo magician/fortune teller. Hmmm Voodoo Magician( Villian) BAD! hmmm.. When "WE" as a people gonna WAKE DA HELL UP! Still relyin on the BEAST to TELL OUR STORY or give US some recognition. All of these So Called BLACK Producers, should have sumting to say about this movie Better yet, Create OUR own! Here it is Alicia Keys and Tyra banks trying to get the role for this movie and have enough money between them to create OUR own movies and right this wrong... but da beast got a JOB to do..and it is being done to almost sheer perfection! "
Comments by : Auset's Chamber
Aug 18, 2008
WAKE UP !!!!

In summation, the 1965 Voting Rights Act Bill is the only of its kind and it's catered ONLY to American-Afrikanz, where every 25 yearz, officialz (officialz, voterz put in office) of the United States Government meet to decide whether they should grant American-Afrikanz the right to vote. Again, this bill is EXCLUSIVELY for us! No other ethnic background has to go through this! They have the "priviledge" to vote as long as there is a voting system. We on the other hand? They gotta decide if we're worthy enuff every quarter of a century!. If this does not slap you in the face emphatically telling our people we are still and remain second-class "citizenz" (if you wanna call us that), what does?? The question is more than 'why', it should also be, 'what are they afraid of?' What potential power do we have lying sleep within us they're aware of, that we aren't?!
Many feel the only way you can change something is by participation. I agree. But what if the Voting Rights Act Bill of 2006 didn't pass?? What if they decide not to pass it the next tyme around; how could one make change then?! We have to consider this as a possibility and therefore, make alternative strategic planz, both while we're currently "granted" the right to vote and once they decide to take it away! One way, for those willing to use their voting "power", is to apply pressure for more results from our s0-called politicianz. For more on that, read, 'Back When Revoltionareez Were Real - Update', or go to daghettotymz.com/current/revolutionareezupdate/revolutionareezupdate.html.
"We, the People," have falsely bought into the belief that the actual maintenance and direction of the U.S. Government can be altered, edited, and even re-routed, every four yearz. Joseph Stalin of Russia once said, "People who vote decide nothing, people who count the vote, decides everything". Need a more recent reference? How about the 2000 Presidential election, remember Bush vs. Al Gore and the state of Florida?? How many hedz knew about the last election where we had two Skull&Bones memberz runnin' against each other?
This government is not run by the people, but by an unseen puppeteer. We've been duped to believe every four yearz, we can bring a new face in with fresh ideas, but aside from all the pre-election speeches with them talkin' about what they're gonna do once in office, have these thingz really been done once in office? Would I be wrong in thinkin' that regardless of who was in office as president, the U.S. has gone spiralling down the same path of eventual Babylonian-like destruction? I mean, ask yourselves, who outside of America likes America these dayz? We are more hated abroad than at any other tyme in recent history.
Aug 12, 2008
Aug 11, 2008
Aug 9, 2008
Justice For LaVena Johnson

On July 19, 2005, a nineteen-year-old soldier named LaVena Johnson was found dead inside a tent owned by
the private military contractor Kellogg, Brown, and Root.
Her body had extensive physical damage consistent with a beating and
rape (broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, busted lips, multiple
abrasions, mutilated vagina, etc).
The Army told her parents she died from "self-inflicted, non-combat injuries."
When the parents confronted the military about their illogical
conclusion, the Criminal Investigation Command issued a brief
statement saying they stood by their original ruling.
The parents are trying to get a full congressional investigation.
KMT Asen, Inc. will be working hard to raise awareness about this situation. If you have not already done so please go to http://www.lavenajohnson.com/ to find out more information and to sign a petition to get the case reopened.
God is a Black Man....

God is a black man throwing dice,
While His partner is Time,
And the scores are marked upon melting ice;
On His knees, in the dust and grime
Of the road that leads to Eternity,
Where the races of men go by,
Like a black man dreaming, He shakes them free
And flings them forth with a sigh.
God is a black man throwing dice
And each man is given his day
At throwing them once -- but never twice --
For each must be on his way.
Each time the galloping squares are thrown
The scores on the wet ice climb;
But before they stop and the spots are known,
"Fade you!" cries Time.
By Marcus B. Christian
Aug 3, 2008

Of all the countries of ancient times it is Kmt (Ancient Egypt) that stands out above all others. Kmt was indeed the heart and soul of early Africa. When we examine Kemetic civilization we note what is perhaps the proudest achievement in the whole of human annals. It is therefore proper that we look first at the role and stature of African women in Kmt in the Valley of Nile.
First things first--Kmt was African; not only her origins, but from the very beginning and through the great part of the pharaonic period African people endowed with dark complexions, full lips, broad noses and tightly curled hair were overwhelmingly dominant in both the general population and the ruling elite. Ancient Kmt was Africa par excellence.
It has been noted that the most significant single fact to keep in mind when discussing the topic of women and leadership in ancient Kmt is that there was basic equality between men and women. Women of the ancient Kemetic royal families enjoyed considerable influence and freedom of movement, and occupied positions of great power and authority. There is not a single recorded incident of sexual assault or domestic abuse against an African woman in the entire history of Kmt. Kemetic women inherited and willed fortunes, wrote love poems, introduced legislation at the courts of law and commanded the respect of king and commoner alike.
African History pt.16

Timbuktu was more than merely a great intellectual nucleus of the West African civilizations of Ghana, Mali and Songhai--it was one of the most splendid scientific centers of the time period corresponding to the European Medieval and Renaissance eras. Indeed, under the reign of Askia Muhammad I, also known as Askia the Great, it was celebrated as one of the world's most significant seats of learning. Among it most formidable scholars, professors and lecturers were Ahmed Baba--a highly distinguished historian frequently quoted in the Tarikh-es-Sudan and other works.
The collection of ancient manuscripts at the University of Sankore at Timbuktu leaves us in no doubt about the magnificence of the institution and permits us to reconstruct this side of her past in fairly intimate details. In testament to its glory, for example, an old West African proverb states that, "Salt comes from the north, gold from the south, and silver from the country of the white men, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu."
Once, an aspirant to the throne of the mighty Songhai Empire collected an army with which to dispute the reigning dynasty. Pausing at Timbuktu, and have toured the university campus, visited the library, met the faculty and conversed with the Head Chancellor of the University of Sankore, the prince requested the Chancellor to write a formal letter to his rival to the throne, saying that he, "Bankouri, renounced the throne that he might follow the life of a student in this city of books."
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