The primary sponsor and mastermind of the 1985 Breast Cancer Awareness Month idea was Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, now known as AstraZeneca. All tell-lie-vision, radio, and print ads for Breast Cancer Awareness Month are paid for and must be approved by AstraZeneca.
AstraZeneca makes fungicides, herbicides and pesticides. One of its products, Acetochlor, is a pesticide recognized as a cause of breast cancer. Its Perry, Ohio chemical plant is one of the largest sources of potential cancer-causing pollution in the US. In 1996, it spit 53,000 pounds of known cancer causing agents into the air.
In addition to creating cancer-causing chemicals, AstraZeneca also patented Tamoxifen, the most popular drug used to treat breast cancer. Tamoxifen has gross sales of $500 million dollars a year. On May 16, 2000, the New York Times reported that the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences included Tamoxifen on its list of substances that are known to cause cancer.
Tamoxifen is known to cause uterine cancer, liver cancer and gastro-intestinal cancer. After just two to three years of use, Tamoxifen will increase the incidence of uterine cancer by two to three times. The treatment for uterine cancer is a hysterectomy. In addition, Tamoxifen increases the risk of strokes, blood clots, eye damage, menopausal symptoms, and depression. One doctor describes Tamoxifen as "... a garbage drug that made it to the top of the scrap heap.”
In 1999, the journal Science published a study from Duke University Medical Center that showed that after 2 - 5 years, Tamoxifen, the most popular drug for treating breast cancer, actually initiated the growth of breast cancer.
This means that AstraZeneca, the originator of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is the manufacturer of cancer-causing chemicals, pollutants that cause cancer and a breast cancer treatment drug that causes several different types of cancer, including breast cancer.
Remember, we are being told that there is no way to prevent breast cancer. The best we can hope for is early detection.
Dr. Kothari again:
“And the other illusion which it destroyed was that of early diagnosis, yet we still drumbeat early diagnosis. From 1802 through the 19th and 20th century, some of the most leading thinkers have shown that early diagnosis is not possible. This was said intuitively. Then came cytokinetics. And cytokinetics has shown that before a tumour assumes one milligram of weight, which no scan ever can detect, it's a billion cells strong! And to arrive at that it will take a few years. Which means that by the time a cancer is diagnosed, a symptomatic silent cancer - diagnosed and detected by the most sensitive scan, it has been in the patient's body from 5-20 years.”
The promoters of Breast Cancer Awareness Month tell us we need to get mammograms “for early detection.” At one time, only women 50 years of age or older were told to get yearly mammograms. Now women 40 years old and - in some cases - as young as 25 years old are being told they need to have yearly mammograms.
Speaking of the practice of mammography, Dr Tim O'Shea says:
"This is one topic where the line between advertising and scientific proof has become very blurred. As far back as 1976, the American Cancer Society itself and its government colleague, the National Cancer Institute, terminated the routine use of mammography for women under the age of 50 because of its 'detrimental' (carcinogenic) effects. More recently, a large study done in Canada found that women who had routine mammograms before the age of 50 also had increased death rates from breast cancer by 36%.”
A mammogram is an x-ray - a form of radiation. Even the American Cancer Society has said that radiation causes cancer. There is no safe level of exposure to radiation.
>>>to read full article click link http://www.blackherbals.com/no_more_pink_ribbons.htm
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