Like Christ, "His son" and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has
kinky, nappy hair -according tot he Bible, where God or the "Ancient of Days"
is described as having "hair like the pure wool." (Dan. 7:9) The Power that
causes galaxies to spiral, and planets & atoms to spin; that causes the double
helix spiral of the DNA molecules -this same spiraling power causes spiraling
hair... otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair! The
words, SPIN, SPIRAL, and SPIRITUAL have common roots! The Supreme Power spins;
spirals; it is spiritual. It moves or spirals the universe! The entire
universe dances in spirals and rotations; everything in ti reflects the
"SPIRaling, SPIRitual" essence out of which it is made! The "SPIRal,"
especially the Golden Spiral, is simultaneously the most profound motion and
design in the universe -built into all lifeforms, from seashelss to man, to
spiraling nappy hair! Your blood spirals through your veins! Plants spiral
up from the soiil! And nappy hair spirals out from the hair roots! Ball your
hand into a fist and slowly extend each finger and you will see for yourself
how the tip of each finger opens in a golden spiral path! Straight-haired
people also have a spiral on their heads, visible as a whorl pattern with its
center in the back of the head, where their straight hai grows out slanting in
the whorl's diretion. Wooly haired people have both, the whorl pattern and
the individually spiraling strands of helixal, coiled, spring-like, nappy hair
... the choice of the gods!
"hair like wool" yeah jesus was jewish so his hair like wool isn't quite like african hair like people want to believe but rather like jewish hair if you have seen actual jewish hair which is def much more like wool then afro textured hair.
Please educate yourself before you comment. Hebrews, Israelites, Egyptians, Ethiopians were all black nappy headed people, we were not mixed or diluted with European/Caucasian. The Jews today are mixed with Caucasian/European blood from the Caucus tribe (barbarians that lived in a cave). So, don't compare what you see in the mirror to the true Acient people, that is blasphemy to say the least.
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