According to an article on www.TakeBackWashington.com, based on February '09 market values, $1 trillion could be used to purchase Microsoft ($168B), Google ($107B), Coca-Cola ($100B), PepsiCo ($80B), Apple, Inc. ($83B) and Time Warner ($35B), and you would still have $243 billion left to buy up more businesses.
Where does all this money come from? On December 23, 1913 Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act which transferred the power to create money and regulate its value to a consortium of private bankers. The words "Federal Reserve" are deceptive, as the institution is not federal and there is no reserve. The Federal Reserve gave us worthless paper money, called "fiat currency," and gets to charge us interest on this money as we use it. The privatization of banking is going on worldwide, and these central (private) banks have been controlled by the same families for centuries. (Names? Rothschild, Lazard, Israel Moses Seif, Warburg, Lehman, Kuhn, Loeb, Goldman, Sachs, Chase, Rockefeller)
How is debt created? By our borrowing the worthless money and signing up to pay it back, plus egregious interest (usury). If it did not pass through our lives, it would not affect us. But its use as a global form of exchange has left us its victims, and it is the interest on the $$ that is slowly starving us. Banks get to write up our loans as "assets" and are allowed to lend out up to 10 times those "assets" to other people, charging more interest! This is called fractional reserve lending and is the process by which the wealth of common people is transferred to those who control the money. Remember the game Monopoly? This is like a monopoly game ... some players get to invent the money, the rest get to use it, and must continually put up their hard-earned hard assets in order to scrape for more wealth ... but with the playing field (markets) rigged to benefit those who print the money, most of the small fry end up losing ... everything.
The Federal Reserve has been diluting American dollars by releasing vast quantities of them, supposedly to "stimulate the economy." Yet we do not even know who is receiving these vast numbers of dollars, as the average Joe's checking account is leaner than eve
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