The real coup, and great tragedy of the situation with milk has been the act of convincing mothers not to breastfeed their babies. By the 1950s nearly half of all U.S. infants were exclusively bottle-fed on nonhuman foodstuff. [3]. Colostrum studies printed before 1900 in the (Rockefeller Institute) Journal of Experimental Medicine note that "...good human milk is the ideal food for infants...all substitute foods must approach this ideal...the only foundation upon which we can build our substitute food is a knowledge of what good human milk is." Published conclusions of colostrum investigations records that "if we compare (human milk) and note the diversity in the results obtained, we shall conclude that each infant must be a law unto himself and that his best friend is his own mother." [4].
The incentive to pasteurize appears in history as a multiplicity of self-interested motives masquerading as high-minded altruism, coordinated and timed to fool the public and health professionals who were distressed and beleaguered by the realities of urbanization and illness. The infamous force-feeding of "distillery swill" to "city milk trade" dairy cows, known widely since the 1840s, made a nifty clarion call for Nathan Straus of New York's Macy's deptartment store. Straus and his wife Lina launched a worldwide campaign for compulsory pasteurization, along with the help of U.S. Hygienic Laboratory (NIH) chief Milton J. Rosenau and many others who profited handsomely from the effort.
Virtual tomes on the subject of adulterated milk and "inconclusive" pasteurization science litter the reference material. But the story of cleaning up the milk supply, more pointedly than most, is an object lesson in Zionist power building by a Protocols family on a par with the Flexners and Rockefellers. The Bavarian-born Straus brothers (Isidor, Nathan, and Oscar), wives, and children catapulted to the ranks of elite business, politics, public health, banking, education, and law within one generation. Like many seeds taking root in the ill winds that blew across the Atlantic with the "48ers" (1848, Communist Manifesto inspired revolutions), the extended family Straus landed in the prepared and fertile soil of an America about to go boom.
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