More nonsense has been written about Cleopatra than any other African queen. Cleopatra was generally pictured as a distinct African woman, dark in color.
Born in 69 B.C., Cleopatra came to the throne that she shared with her brother, Ptolemy XIII, when she was 18 years old.
Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, has come down to us through twenty centuries, as the perfect example of the seductive art in woman. With her beauty, learning, culture and charm, Cleopatra held two successive masters of the world; Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Cleopatra aligned herself with Julius Caesar, who reinforced her power. Their political and sexual relationship was a manuever to save Egypt from the worst aspects of Roman domination. After Julius Caesar was murdered, Cleopatra, still in her early twenties, met Mark Antony, and a love affair, stongly motivated by politics began. Her effect on Mark Antony was profound. This noble Roman turned traitor to his own people when he attempted to save the country of this fascinating Black Queen.
After Antony's death, the victor, Octavius, assumed full control of Egypt. Cleopatra, now without a protector or champion, committed suicide. After Cleopatra's death, Egypt became a Roman colony and the harsher aspects of Roman rule settled over Egypt and the Middle East.
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