It is important, my brothers and sisters that we realize who owns and controls the various things which control our lives. Who owns and controls CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, HBO television and radio. (Note: Over 9000 AM & FM stations, only 171 owned by African Americans). Who owns and controls New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Newsweek and USA Today? Who controls education? Who controls politics? Who controls the Movie and Music industry? Who controls the military? Who declares wars?
Now answer this set of questions....Who watches television and listen to the radio? Who goes to church? Who goes to work? Who catches hell? Who is in the prisons? Who is sick? Who is hungry? Who is undernourished? Who fights the wars?
Don't be alarmed . Don't be upset. There is a reason for all of this. It has been well thought out and is being very effectively implemented. For you see, in order for you to assume your rightful place in society, you must first be programmed to assume your rightful place in society. You must give up your identity and identify with your oppressor.
If I can convince you of my superiority and you of your inferiority, I will have set the guidelines for our relationship. If I can control all of the various means by which information is disseminated, I can fool most of you most of the time. And those of you whom I can't fool, I can label as fools, and thus have you ostracized, killed or imprisoned, and be praised for my actions by the real fool.
I will begin by telling you how unattractive those features are. I will put before you images of European beauty which you will accept as your standard. I will show you Tarzan movies and make you afraid of, and hate Africa, much less love it. I will also criticize your manner of speech.
I will carefully choose your idols and heroes for you , so that you will not be led astray by foolish notions. I will give you a holiday for your Dr. King and label Malcolm X a fool.
I will keep you confused that you will only spend six cents out of every dollar you earn in your community. For how can anyone who is inferior take care of your medical needs, dental needs, or meet any of your needs? I will further confuse you to the point that you will spend over billions dollars per year putting chemicals in your nickel heads.
I will study you thoroughly and publish my pre-determined findings in well-known journals, publications and books. I will also give you specially designed test to further validity to my findings.
I will place labels on you such as slow- learner, economically- disadvantaged, single-parent, ghetto mentality, culturally deprived, deviant and maladjusted. I will divide you into Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, Chicanos, Blacks, and Africans, and teach you to hate and distrust different groups.( but TRUST ME only!!!) I will also classify you into social classes and set up both the criteria for entrance and for remaining in the class-- one of which will be a non association with those of any of the lower classes which I have developed.
I will further separate you into religious of Baptists, Episcopalians, AME's and Catholics. I will allow you to have your own churches , but you must preach from my text......
I will effectively use the same strategy of divide and conquer which I used so masterfully in annihilating those savage Native Americans, the Mayans, the Arawaks, and the Aztecs.
I will teach you my history as I have written it, while convincing you that your history is not worthy of mention. I will mention Egypt, but I will not tell you that it is in Africa.
I will teach you to love me and hate yourself. You will know that I am superior. Aren't you rem9ed of it each time you go to your black church and see my God on your wall? As a result of this hatred, you will slay your brothers and sisters. To convince you that this is okay, I will let you out so you can do it again if you desire. However, if you should lose your cool and strike out against me or my kind, I will banish you forever , or take your life.
I will also rem9 you of your criminal tendencies, by pointing to the fact that of your kind comprises our prison population. I will also build more prisons, to accommodate your unemployed, as needed, with your tax dollars.
I will show you all of the nice things you should have as an American, but will deny you means by which to have them. I will improperly educate you, or force you out of my educational system, and then deny you a job because you lack credentials.......
I will sell you drugs, and alcohol to pickle your brains and drive you crazy. I will prosecute you if you are caught selling it, but I must always protect myself. For I am caught, how can I support your habits? I will supply your junky needs from phantom ships and cargo planes. However, I will fight hard against drug traffic, because I am both the referee and the judge.
I will encourage you to make love to your teenage girlfriend and label your offspring a bastard. I will also create a system whereby you will not be needed as a father, by making your would-be-wife better off without you. She will believe that she is better off having more babies than being with you. You in turn will father many bastards and be praised by your ignorant peers for such a feat.....
I will call your mother Annie and your father Tom. I will call you and the man you call father a boy many times and dare him or you to rebel. For I will teach you to turn the other cheek. I will convince you that all of the hell you are catching in earth will guarantee you a better day in heaven by and by. You will learn to live by the saying..... NO CROSS .... NO CROWN.
I will also protect you against physical defect so you may fight my wars for me. For after all, I do not fight wars, I merely declare them. I will make you unemployed, but I will give you a job in my Armed Services. You will happily and patriotically help me invade places like Granada so I may set up my hotels and casinos there.
I will convince you that we need to fight communism all over the world, and never tell you what communism is, or that, what you are really doing is helping me protect my capitalism. (And Corporate Empire). You shall gladly and ignorantly help me rape the countries of your brothers and sisters all over the world, as a result of my convincing you that my goal is to spread democracy throughout the world, while I deny you basic human rights at HOME. If you question me about South Africa, I will convince you that the situation over there is different from other places in the world and you need not be concerned, as time will take care of it. You will in turn convince me that you believe me and continue to do business with firms doing business in South Africa.
I will send you to Vietnam and Cambodia... To Korea and Laeo... To Lebanon and El Salvador , and....if the Sandinistas don't see the light very soon, I will send you to Nicaragua. You will kick Kaddafi's ass for me when I tell you...For you see....I am a BULLY who let's others do my fighting for me. And if things get to tight for me, I will board my space shuttle with my test tube white babies, and live in the galaxy until the waves of nuclear heat have subsided.....
As you can see.......your plight is hopeless. I handled Vessey and Turner. I crushed Lumuumba and Bishop....I cooled the Mandellas out. I also took care of Malcolm X, John Brown, Rap Brown, Angela Davis, Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panthers, and Medgar Evers. And, I even had to take care of MARTIN LUTHER KING when he got out of line.
AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU............................
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