Genius Of The Great Pyramid
One of the fiercest, most brutal battles in academia is whether Afrikans were the original inhabitants of Kemet (Egypt). Kemet of today is not like Kemet of old. Arabs invaded it during the 7th century A.D., and continue their occupation. The reason the debut of the original inhabitants is so vital, the Nile Valley, which reached its zenith in Kemet, is the birthplace of civilization, whereby world civilizations evolved. It is the place where philosophy, science, mathematics, technology, engineering, religion, education, architecture, astronomy, parenting and a host of other human creations began. For Black people to garner the credit for these innovations goes against everything ever taught in Western civilization.
Careers have been ruined for defending such a position. Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan, known as Dr. Ben, one of the world's leading Afrikan Kemetologists (Egyptologists), has been dismissed from several universities for teaching this perspective. Dr. Chiekh Anta Diop, the world's greatest scientist in this area of study, and the scientific father for Afrikan World Studies, had his first doctoral dissertation rejected at the University of Paris for addressing this subject. However, his book, Civilization Or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology, though a very scientific and scholarly work, is perhaps the best literature available outlining unequivocal proof that Afrikans were indeed the original inhabitants of Kemet, and created all of the above.
Part of the physical proof stands in Kemet today, the great pyramid of Gizeh, built for the Pharaoh Khufu (2589-2566 B.C.E.), called Cheops by the Greeks. It was the tallest building on planet earth for 4000 years (481 feet). What makes this structure so magnificent is the philosophy, thought and planning that went into creating it. For instance, astronomically, it is a replica of the northern hemisphere. It would take a very complicated mathematical explanation to show this, but the book Secrets Of The Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins, one of the best researched books on this topic and very difficult to find, reveals a simple mathematical explanation. He states, "Each flat face of the Pyramid was designed to represent one curved quarter of the northern hemisphere, or spherical quadrant of 90?."
In order to make such an exact measurement, the designers would have had to be knowledgeable of advanced mathematics, engineering and astronomy. Tompkins further shows us the pyramid's relationship to the earth, "The apex of the Pyramid corresponds to the (North) pole, the perimeter to the equator, both in proper scale."
One of the great misnomers in history was giving Archimedes, the noted ancient Greek mathematician, credit for the value Pi (p = 3.14159+), the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. He lived around 287 – 212 B.C.E. The problem with the way this is taught, the great pyramid was built around 2,665 B.C.E., give or take a few decades either way. Most honest mathematicians familiar with the construction of the pyramid will empirically state that Pi was incorporated with its construction.
In fact, the doorways of many of the massive temples in Kemet are shaped in the symbol of Pi. According to mathematician Deborah Maat Moore, "Problems number 48 and 50 in the Ahmose Mathematical Papyrus (called "The Directions For Knowing All Dark Things," one of the oldest mathematical documents in existence) shows how the Egyptians derived the formula Pi." (The African Roots Of Mathematics) Today it is called the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
The same myth is taught about the Greek philosopher/mathematician Pythagoras, trained in Kemet for 22 years, which the Pythagorean Theorem was named after, though it was originally known as the "Kemetic Theorem Of The Right Triangle," it was used 1800 years before the birth of Pythagoras in the construction of the great pyramid.
One of the fascinating facts of the pyramid's design, it took 2,500,000 huge blocks of stones, each weighing 2.5 tons, yet the four corners of the base were near perfect right angles. When calculated accurately, the base measures a near perfect number of degrees of a complete circle: 359. 45?. The stones were mathematically placed at accurate angles, with no use of mortar, or the use of modern day cranes. No building today is built with such skill.
To further illustrate the genius of the Afrikan builders, "The Egyptians had measured the base of the Pyramid in units to fit a solar year of 365.2322 days (a complete year). They intended for the base of the Pyramid to indicate the value of a degree at the equator (where they apparently considered the earth to be a true circle [hundreds of years before Europeans discovered this] and a degree of latitude to be equal to a degree of longitude). The ancient Egyptians knew that a degree of latitude is shortest at the equator and lengthens as it approaches the (North) pole." (T hompkins)
Although it is evident that Afrikans of the ancient Nile Valley possessed an inherent genius and precision for their developments, it is also apparent they were planning for future generations, in life and in death. What should be plain and obvious to the conscious mind, the duty of all adults, parents and teachers, is their fundamental responsibility to pass the knowledge of this genius to the younger generations, alerting them that this an cient brill iance was established for them, and that they are accountable for continuing the legacy of their ancestors. To do less would be a failure for themselves and humanity.
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