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Damian Marley & Nas -"Patience"
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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told
Dec 31, 2008
Real Science

Melanin refines the nervous system in such a way that messages from the
brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black people, the
Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than
whites, and demonstarte more advanced cognitive skills than their white
counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin. Carol Barnes writes
"...your mental processes (brain power) are controlled by the same
chemical that gives Black humans their superior physical (atheltics,
rhythmic dancing) abilities. This chemical... is Melanin!" The
abundance of Melanin in Black humans produces a superior organism
physically, mentally and spiritiually. This why all the founders of the
world's great religions are Black. Melanin is the neuro-chemical basis
for what is called SOUL in Black people. In the same way Blacks excel in
athletics, they can excel in all other areas as well (like they did in
the past!) once the road blocks are removed!
Is God Black? The Original Man was BLACK, "made in the IMAGE of God" his
Parent, according to scared books. Children look like their parents.
All the other races are but diluted variations of the Original Black Race.
(see pages 7 & 8)
Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin
production, therby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain,
the tiny pineal & pituitary glands regulate the body's other glands.
Esoteric tradion regards the area of these glands as the third eye, seat
of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on the
forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns. Why did Africans view the European
as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a soulless
savage? Because of "melatonin," described as a mentally & morally
stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland. Scientific
research reveals that most whites are unable to prduce much melatonin
because their pineal glands are often calcified and nonfunctioning.
Pineal calcification rateswith Africans si 5-15%; Asians - 15-25%;
Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural diffences
between Blacks and whites, causing some Black scholars to raise the
question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, ridgid,
anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that
they lack the chemical key of melatonin to turn on their unconscious and
therefore cannot get into feelings. Carol Barnes writes "Melanin is
responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion,
truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low
levels of Melanain will behave in a barbaric manner." Melanin give
humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies
of energy. Dr. Welsing wrties "Since melanin is a superior absorber of
all energy , it is essential to establish this understanding of God and
'all energy.' The fact thaat the albinos (whties) lack melanin may also
help to explain ...why, in the view of many non-white peooples, they
(whit4es) lack 'spirituality" and the capacity to tune in to, and therby
establish harmony and justice..."
The scientific evidence of Melanin threatens the ideology of white supremacy.
After considering Melain to be a "waste" product of body-metabolism which
"served no useful function," Western (white) science has now discovered
that Melanin is the chemical key to life and the brain itself! All
studies and facts about Melanin suggest that after 400 years of
attempting to inferiorize the Black race, "Western science is facing the
sobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards, Black people
are probably superior to whites in both intellectual potential and muscle
coordination." (Sepia magazine interview). The central role Melanin
plays in the body has been "suppressed to maintain the mythological
inferiority of blacks...and the defensive clinging to whiteness as some
token of superiority." (Dr. Richard King) The "superiority complex" of
white people is a defense mechanism and a mas for their deepset
inferiority complex which they project onto people of color.
Psychologists say insistent denial means readlity in the opposite way.
If whites really believed that white skin was "superior," why is "tanning"
so important in white culture despite its known health risks (thousands
die annually from skin cancer). Also, curling or permming lifeless,
straight hair, and the lastest; lip injections for a fuller look! And it
is the white female who tells you that her ideal mate is "tall, DARK, and
handsome!" "Dark" indeed refers to more Melanin!
"Messed-up Melanin" is killing Melanated people!
In their ongoing effort to destroy people of color, whites create
"designer durgs," structured to chemically bind with and alter the
Melanin molecule, causing it to become toxic and even fatal to highly
melanated people! Carol Barnes, who documents this subject writes,
"MELANIN can become toxic to the Black human because it combines with
harmful drugs such as a cocaine, amphtamines, pyscholic, hallucinoge...
marijuana...etc." The molecules of these drugs resemble the Melanin
molecule! The body is fooled and its balance is thrown off as it relies
on its drug-wrecked Melanin in order to function. Even legal drugs such as
tetracyclines, neurolepts (tranquilizers), have strong affinity for bind
to Melanin. Herbicides (paraquats,'agent orange' [dioxin]) bind
irreversibly with Melanin & remain in the Black human throughout life
causing many disorders. Drug abuse by Blacks is more likely to occur
because Melanin causes Blacks to become addicted faster and stay addicted
longer from thses drugs which are deliberately placed in Black
communites. Drugs are destroying the heart of Native American and Black
society, causing many deaths.
For more information on the wonders of Melanin: Dr. Richard King's superb
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry and Carol Barnes' information
rich Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness (C. Barnes, Box
3009189,Houston Texas, 77230). Also the technical paper Melanin, The
Organizing Molecule by Dr. Frank Barr, discoverer of Melanin's organizing
ability & other properties (Institute for Study of consciousness (510)
849-4784 /2924 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley CA 94704).
The Lies in HIS-Story

* Major altering and censoring of Biblical books were accomplished at the
Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. In addition, whole books were deleted from
the Bible. Evidence of missing Biblical books exists within the Bible
itself! These inclued the books of Jasher, Nathan, Shemaiah, Iddo and
Jehu -referred to in Nm. 21:14 /Josh. 10:13 / II Sam. 1:18 / I Chr. 29:29
/ and II Chr. 9:29, 12:15, 20:34. The Bible in its original form was the
product of an African people. Though it has been greatly "messed" with
by whites, much truth is still available when you know true history.
* The original early Christians were the Essenes, a Jewish sect in Palestine.
Jesus was an Essene. The earliest images of Jesus, his Mother, disciples
and Biblical characters, appear for the first time in the catacombs of
Rome where these early Christians (Essenes) buried their dead. They are
portrayed Black. These Essenes in fact, were the "early Christians" who
were brutally persecuted by the white Romans and often fed to the lions
for entertainment!
* The Original Christians Church was also African (Ethiopian). Its
original African founders and early saints were often martyred when this
church was usurped by the whties who replaced it with their counterfeit
Roman Catholic Church.
* The Dead See Scrolls exposes knowledge concealed by white False
Christianity. They prove that Christianity was an outgrowth of
Essenism. In The Dead Sea Scrolls & the Life of the Ancient Essenes, Dr.
R. Bernard writes "These scrolls reveal knowledge hidden from the world
ever since the Alexandrian library was burnt by the Toman churchmen in
order to purposely destroy it, because they considered it dangerous to
the existence and survival of the new religion (False Christianity) which
they eleaborated by alteraion of the original doctrines taught by the
Essenes centuries previously."
* Jesus "lost" years were deliberately concealed by Roman churchmen,
along with most of the deeper, esoteric teachings of Original
Christianity which inclued reincarnation & karma. Fragments of these
teachings remain in the Bible, for example: John the Baptist was the
reincarnation of Elijah (Elias) the Prophet (Mt. 11:11-14, Mal. 4:5).
Reincarnation & karma explain much of the seeming unbalances in teh
world. Other Biblical references for both: Job 1:21, Jn. 9:2, Mk. 8:27,
28, Rv. 13:10, Oba. 1:15. A book providing most of the Biblical
references is Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation (also see Montogomery: A World
Beyond) There is evidence that during Christs's "lost" years, he
traveled/studied in Egypt & India where the early Christians went for
advanced education. For light on Jesus' hidden years/teachings; Levi:
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
* The Christian Madonna is copied from the Egyptian Madonna. Worshiped
in Egypt & Rome, Black Isis & Horus her son was the model for the worship
of the Madonna & Christ. Millions of whites worship the Black Madonna &
Christ, found in Europe's most venerated shrines (formerly the sites of
temples of Isis). Titles such as Our Lady, The Great Mother, are the
same titles attributed to Isis. The word "Madonna" itself is from the
mater domina, a title used for Isis!
* The word Christ is from Krishna (Christna). Krishna was a great avatar
(savior) in India 3000 years before Jesus. The name of the historical
man was Jehoshua (or Jeshua), not Jesus.
* Jesus, the Panther? An original name for Jesus was "Jehoshau Ben
Pandira" which means "Jesus, son of the Panther!" (Blavatsky: The Secret
Doctrine) Even the Bible refers to him as "the Lion of the tribe of
Juda." (Rv. 5:5) Jesus in fact, was a "Black nationalist freedom
fighter.. whose goals were to free the Black people of that day from the
oppressive ... white Roman power structure and to build a Black nation."
(I Barashango) Schoenfield reports in The Passover Plot p 194: "Galilee,
were Jesus had lived... which wasthe home of the Jewish resistence
movement, suffered particularly. The Romans never ceased night and day
to devastate... pillage [and kill]." In The Black Messiah p91, Rev. A.B.
Cleage Jr. writes that Jesus was a revolutionary "who was leading a
[Black] nation into conflict against an [white] oppressor... It was
necessary that he be crucified because he taught revolution." Jesus
states "I have not come to send peace, but a sword." (Mt. 10:34)
* The world has had sixteen crucified saviors, all with virgin births,
accompanied by stars and other wonders. These saviors PREDATED Jesus by
thousands of years! Read The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviros by Kersey
* Christianity existed long before Christ! - well documented in John
Jackson's Christianity Before Christ. Many Bible stories, traditions,
special words were copied from Egypt, Sumer, India & other cultures.
Examples: The word hell is from "hel" (in dictionary), the underworld of
the Norse myths. The word Amen is from Egypt. The word EL or Al (in
Michael, Gabriel, Daniel, Elohim) was the Canaanite name for God. The
original cross used by the early Christians was the Egyptian ANKH, a
looped cross which symbolizes everlasting life. The white man's false
replacement - the crucifix, is a symbol of death. (see page 27)
Other revealing books: I Barashango: God, The Bible & The Black Man's
Destiny, T. Doane: Bible Myths, G. Higgins: Anacalypsis, Ysuef
ben-Jochannan: African Origins of Major Western Relgions, D. Dudley:
History of the First Council of Nice. The Losts Books of the Bible & the
Forgotten Books of Eden.
Dec 29, 2008
Dec 27, 2008
The Truth Behind Lies
All races were born from the Black race. Science reports that everyone
alive today descended from an African woan who lived 200,000, years ago!
Based on the evidence of recent findings, modern (white) science has
'officially' declared that ALL of present humanity came from one race...
the Black race -the oldest race. Throughout the world prominent
magazines have done front page articles on "the most incredible find of
all times: Scientists have unearthed the ancient bones of a Black African
[pygmy] woman who is indisputably the mother of all humanity!" They
nicknamed her Eve"... our common ancestor - a woman who lived 200,000 years
ago and left resilent genes that are carried by all of mankind" reports
the best-selling issue ever of Newsweek magazine (1/11/88) which depicts
a Black Adam and Eve on its front cover headlining it The Search for Adam
and Eve. Science magazine (9/11/87) states that overwhelming evidence
shows that "Africa was the cradle of modern humans... The story the
molecular biology seems to be telling is that modern humans evolved in
Africa about 200,000 years ago." National Geographic (Oc. 88) reports of
new evidence " of an African orgin for modern humans."
Are whites the albino offspring of Black Africans?
White skin is a form of albinism. It appears that whites have "come into
being" through a number of ways: In The Isis Papers p123, Dr. Frances
cress Welsing states "whites are undoubtedly a genetic mutant albino
population... from the original Black (hue-man) beings." The story of
'Snowflake' dramatically illustrates how it is possible for whites to
come into being from blacks: Born of coal black parents, this albino
gorilla named "Snowflake" has platinum blond hair, white (pink) skin, and
blue eyes! (National Geographic: Mar, 67, Oct. 70). Similarly in
Panama, particularly among the San Blas Indians are albino natives that
also have blond hair and blue eyes! They are often indistinguishable
from blond Northen Europeans! In the Bible, Edomites are whites that
descended from an albino named Essau who was born ruddy (red) & hairy.
(Gen. 25:25) The Bible refers to white skin as leprosy (Num. 12:10-12,
Lev. 13) and reports that a race of people (Gahazites) were born white
due to being cursed! (II Kings 5:27) Bible scholars credit Japheth (a
son of Noah) as fathering a (Black) people who settled in the north,
ultimately becoming the Caucasian race. Similarly, other scholars
theorize that Africans who migrated to Europe and were caught in the Ice
Age, gradually lightened until their genes mutated to adapt to the scant
sunlight, thus producing a race of whites.
Were whites "made" by Yacub through selective breeding?
Paul Gurthrie's astounding Making of the Whiteman, assembles startling
historical evidence which verifies much of Elijah Muhammad's
controversial teachings on the origin of white people. In Message to the
Black Man in America, according to Elijah muhammad, founder of the Nation
of Islam, white people were created from Africans about 6000 years ago by
Yacub, a Black god-like scientistt. Using a selective breeding process
called "grafting," Yacub created whites as a "race of devils" to rule
earth for a limited period. (see page 28) Interestingly, the ancient
Egyptians recored the Tamahu, which means created white people. Egyptian
writings also refer to whites as Typhonians or People of Seth, both
meaning "the devils." After these "white devils" were first released
into the Black community of the Near East 6000 years ago, they caused
sever strife, thus the Africans rounded them up, stripped them of
everything and exiled them tothe caves and hils of the caucasus
Mountains. This explains the sudden appearance of white people in this
region. To prevent their escaping Africans installed a series of guarded
walls blocking all exits along that area from one sea to the other! -
thus "roping" them off (hence the word Europe). These walls have been
witnessed and recorded by many European writers, including Pliny. Thus,
totally cut off from civilization, the whites degenerated into
uncivilized, nomadic savages. They remained this way for 2000 years
until 'Allah merifully sent an Egyptian priest named Musa or Moses to
civilize them.' This explains the otherwise unknown reason why suddenly
about 2000 B.C., vast hordes of these white barbarians left the Caucasus
region and stormed all the (Black) centers of civilizations throughout
Mesopatamia, the Near East, Africa and India, destroying and usurping
them. Thus, the whiteman's arrival signalled destruction for all these
civilizations and the beginning of the whiteman's rise to power.
Why do whites seek to hide their origins?
Dr. Cress Welsing theorizes that whites (as the albino offspring of Black
Africans) migrated or were chased northward from Africa into Europe. She
states: "Historically, the white race has sought to hide its genetic
orgins in Africa amongst Blacs, just as it has sought to deny the origins
of the white civilization, fromt he culture of Black in Africa, seeking
instead to proclaim an origin amongst the Greeks. Historically, whites
also have sought to degrade Africa and everyting Black. By so doing,
whites can avoid confronting the true meaning of skin whiteness as a
mutation and genetic deficeincy state from the Black norm - the 'hue-man'
norm'... Deep within the unconscious psyche of the white collecitve is
an awareness; of there origin amongst Blacks, that Blacks were their
parents and that they (whites) were the defective offsprings of Blacks."
Dec 25, 2008
Dec 14, 2008
Dec 13, 2008
Dec 11, 2008
Dec 9, 2008
African History pt.19

All world civilization on all contitents began with Black African people!
Given that the Black race is the oldest, this fact should come as no
surprise! Historically Blacks have played the earliest civilizing role
in the world as shown by Kamit (ancient Egypt), Sumer, Babylon, Canaan,
Kush (Ethiopia), Indus Kush & Harrappa (ancient India), the Olmecs
(ancient America) and Shang of ancient China. Other great African
civilizations included the empires of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Benin,
Zimbabwe and the Moors who ruled southwest Europe for 700 years.
Blacks were first in Asia and pioneered Asia's early civilization!
The Black role in Asia as elsewhere in the world, has been submereged and
distorted for centuries. Asia's African roots are well summarized in
African Presence in Early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima / Runoko Rashidi, and
African Presence in Early China by James Brunson. The original oriental
people were Black, and many of them still are Black - southern China and
Asia. The earliest occupants of Asia were 'small Blacks' (pygmies) who
came to the region as early as 50,000 years ago. In 100 Amazing Facts
About The Negro, J.A. Rogers reports that in 1923, Europeans first
discovered "a hitherto unknown Negro race, the Nakhis, 200,000 in number,
in Southern China." In The Children of the Sun George Parker writes "...
it appears that the entire continent of Asia was originally the home of
many black races and that these races were the pioneers in establishing
the wonderful civilizations that have flourished throughout this vast
continent." Reports of major kingdoms ruled by Blacks are frequent in
Chinese documents. The first kingdom of Southeast Asia is called Fou
Nan, famous for building masterful canal systemes. Chinese historians
described the Fou Nanese men as "small and black." The Ainus, Japan's
oldest known inhabitants, have traditions which tell of a race of dark
dwarfs which inhabited Japan before they did. Historians Cheikh Anta Dip
and Albert Churchward saw the Ainus as originating in Egypt! There is
archeological support for this. In addition, ancient Egypt and
Mesopatamia records the "Anu" (Ainu?). The Ainu ".. are of the same
original race and type as the Australian Aborigines" reports Churchward
in Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man. J.A. Rogers writes in Sex and
Race Vol. I, "... there are any number of Japanes who, but for color and
hair, bear a striking resemblance to the South African Bushman..." An
ancient tradition points to the conquest of Japan from the southeast by a
race of Black warriors.
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