The Obama Deception
Damian Marley & Nas -"Patience"
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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told
Oct 31, 2008
Oct 30, 2008
Oct 26, 2008
Nigerian Twins

How Nigerian twins set new world record in mathematics
By Agency reporter
AS the Standard Assessment Task results for seven, 11 and 14 year-old are being published, children as young as seven-years-old made examination history this year as the youngest candidates ever to write advanced level mathematics exams in Britain.
Black pupils as young as seven and eight, who are enrolled on the Excellence in Education Programme wrote the A-level and General Certificate of Secondary Education papers in mathematics. Most students across the country (Britain) sit their A-levels at 18 and GCSEs at 16, after studying the courses for two years.
All EIE students who wrote the SATs scored level 5s in all three students, indicating that they are working at least three years ahead of the government benchmark.
Two of them are black twins (from Nigeria), Peter and Paula Imafidon, who passed their GCSEs in mathematics at six and wrote A-level papers in mathematics at the age of seven, during this academic year. They attend a normal state primary school and currently in year three, but participate in sessions by the Excellence in Education, a non-profit alliance of charitable organisations, churches and other organisations, which run Saturday schools in inner cities.
Peter Imafidon was excited after the paper claiming that ”the first half of the paper was quite easy, but the last two questions were harder.”
Paula, Peter‘s twin sister said ”the exam question was very similar to the questions from previous years and were not as difficult as expected.”
Last year, the twins‘ elder sibling, Samantha, broke the world record by passing the Cambridge Advanced Mathematics paper with the highest grade at the tender age of nine.
She compiled her revision notes on calculus into a second book, Short cut to Calculus, to help the twins and other friends understand advanced mathematical concepts.
In order to help their mates, the twins have also jointly compiled a book on how they solve mathematical puzzles and problems.
According to a spokesperson for EIE, Ms. Hannah Christian-Rivers confirms that ”some kids would want to express their passion for a particular subject regardless of their age.”
Therefore, Peter, and Paula, have become the youngest A-level candidates ever.
Before now, the youngest girl was nine-year-old Ruth Lawrence, who wrote her mathematics paper at nine. Anne-Marie Imafidon, Peter‘s older sibling is the youngest girl ever to pass A-level computing and last year, Samantha Imafidon became the youngest pupil ever to pass the University of Cambridge‘s Foundations of Advanced Mathematics with the highest grade at the age of nine.
EIE has observed that there are keen and passionate children all over the country irrespective of post-codes, or social background.
These kids are not ”whiz kids” or geniuses, but normal kids who have been given the opportunity to express their enthusiasm in a subject.
EIE believes that children have an instinctive ability to be explorative, inquisitive, and learn intuitively, and so must be allowed to do so at their own pace.
Global Depopulation
Also known as genocide... It appears that the hazards of living are in large part deliberately engineered. Cancer was unheard of at one time; today it will affect 50% of Americans. Depleted uranium is being spread worldwide thanks to munitions used by American troops in the Gulf War(s). The Nevada testing of the 1950s sent radiation all over the globe. Chemtrails rain noxious agents down on us, Schwarzenegger sprays "Checkmate" for a harmless brown moth, vaccines corrupt our immune systems. Human sperm/egg viability is plummeting. What's the end goal? The elites never wanted to regiment billions of people (a few mind-numbed slaves will run things just fine). So what is happening? It doesn't take genius to figure it out -- only the willingness to be brave. Send this very informative interview with geoscientist Leuren Moret to your family and friends. Listen to what revered thinkers of our times were really up to. What is the strenuously marketed Gardasil vaccine program intended for ... other than sterilizing young girls? Famine, infertility, disease and engineered plagues are already in motion, all scripted to compromise our lives. And being burned into our brains is the idea that there are too many of us, with not enough resources to share. March them into their own willing genocide.
David Dees' political illustrations
In 2006 Dees created an original style of political art commentary inspired by the 9/11 Truth movement and the New World Order agenda, and released it on the Internet, finding an audience that reacted with delight. David's personal patriot heros like Hollywood film producer Aaron Russo who created "America: Freedom to Fascism," radio talk-show legend Jeff Rense and the world-renowned David Icke, have all descibed the socially conscious illustration as "bold genius" and "in your face with the truth." Dees himself puts it simply: "I hope this art helps the viewer to wake up to the horrors of encroaching world globalism and loss of freedoms."
Death and Taxes!

The famous words of Benjamin Franklin, from a letter written in 1789: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." More popularly phrased: "There's nothing certain but death and taxes!"
Well, guess what, folks, someone's wrong. Is it the "tax honesty" community, also called "tax protestors," who remain firm in the belief that income tax is unlawful, and that there is in fact NO LAW that says we have to pay income tax? Aaron Russo created quite a bang with this concept in his much-circulated film "America: From Freedom to Fascism," as did Ed and Elaine Brown in their famous 2007 IRS standdown. "Show me the law," Ed Brown told the court as he and his wife were charged with hundreds of thousands of dollars owed in back taxes. The story of the Browns ended in tragedy, with both convicted for tax evasion. Yet it might have ended differently ... and perhaps it still can.
Enter a few very simple concepts, all securely rooted in statutory law. The issue is not one of income tax being unlawful, but of who must pay income tax and what exactly is "income." Each year, millions of Americans report their earnings to the IRS, yielding a significant portion of this money to the government. An entire industry of paid professionals has sprung up to help in the calculations of these contributions. The onset of April 15th brings with it headaches, resentment and fear. Some defy the tradition altogether by refusing to file the notorious 1040 U.S. Individual Return.
In fact, the 1040 form is considered your own legal testimony about whether or not you were involved in taxable activities for a particular year. Here's what happens: Millions of people believe they are obligated to file INFORMATION RETURNS (W-2s, 1099s and K-1s) on each other every January and February. These government forms are intended for federal entities making federally connected payments. Why do non-government "employers" use them? Out of ignorance. The moment your name appears on such a form, you become the recipient of "federal" money. Oops! "Employers" and issuers of these forms don't realize that they are also making themselves out to be "federal" payers. Thus the net is cast, trapping innocent fish of all kinds.
A Covert Operation

We are living in a white world. Gone is the deep cerulean expanse (almost inky at times) we once called the sky. In its place is a sea of white particulate. The change has happened slowly enough that people don't even notice it's no longer the same kind of "beautiful" day. The sun doesn't shine anymore -- it glares.
"The sky shone with a blue to ravish the heart ... that limpid, celestial, holy blue that is only seen when the light is golden."
-- From a novel by Willa Cather, written in a bygone age
Do you know what's going on?
The feathery, swirly things you see in this picture are not clouds. They are the result of material sprayed by planes, referred to by government agencies as "contrails," but the jet contrails we saw as children never turned into clouds. Do airplanes make clouds, Mommy? NASA would have us think so, but as someone once said, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
9/11 was a covert operation that birthed the US police state. While many people -- distracted by entertainment, sports and shopping -- are blissfully unaware that their freedoms are being stripped from them, you would think they might look up in the sky and notice the very strange clouds above their heads. Not so. The spraying is in some ways like the emperor's new clothes -- someone has to point it out before we can see it for ourselves. Once you can SEE, you then begin to NOTICE.
Oct 20, 2008

Translation to Today's Racial Psychoanalysis
"The Negro was to accept the biracial system and his subordinate status. He was to seek advancement within the confines of his segregated black world. He was to develop the friendship of influential whites and use their assistance.
By cultivating habits of hard work, thrift, and honesty, he was to demonstrate his claim to wider acceptance and better treatment. Above all, he was never to present any organized challenge to the existing order of things or engage in movements which might be regarded by whites as detrimental to their economic and political interest."
...Booker T. Washington
The previous statement was written more than 90 years ago in the context of an explanatory analysis of how blacks were expected to behave as citizens within the world of white supremacy. The writer displays an extraordinary understanding of the white mentality and distributes this knowledge equally well to any curious black mind. He pen-pointed the entire black-white experience from a historical and ironically modern perspective, and as he put it so very well to the generation of his time, we will thus take his understanding and apply it to today's black-white relationship, which can be easily done.
The Negro was to accept the biracial system and his subordinate status.
The biracial system today is vastly different from the writer's day, and of the generation before his. Lacking blatant and open bigotry, the biracial system today has toned down to a whisper of prejudice fueled by political correctness and mainstream cultural stereotyping. Nonetheless, blacks have deemed this new biracial system as culturally acceptable, which has, in turn, contributed to their continued subordinate status in mainstream society.
He was to seek advancement within the confines of his segregated black world.
Not in the confines of the segregated white world, but in the segregated black world. If this stipulation was not meant literally then, it has validity today. The way blacks strive hard for positions of authority within the white world and within their own communities are intense. A prestigious position in the white world is a mark that black leaders are fiercely fighting for to this day.
Equal rights in different places of society: employment, education, and social events. Equal rights in every activity offered to the American citizen, from entertainment to sports (not necessarily sports) to police protection and political representation. Though the concept is to encourage racial integration and affirmation in society, facts and statistics confirm that racial equality is far from accomplished.
He was to develop the friendship of influential whites and use their assistance.
It was a good thing to know a white person in a position of authority then, and for that matter, even now simply because it is whites who have the high positions. The appointment of blacks to equally high positions within organizations and legislative areas are not because the blacks have developed a friendship with the whites, but because by law these organizations and legislative areas are required by law to promote racial equality. Other than that, the above statement still goes.
By cultivating habits of hard work, thrift, and honesty, he was to demonstrate his claim to wider acceptance and better treatment.
Blacks had to prove their worthiness to whites that they could function in society as responsible citizens, or more preferably, civilized human beings. Once proved, blacks earned the right to be treated as citizens and humans. The basic premise then, remains a fact now. The only way blacks, or anyone for that matter, in a capitalist society to have anything is to prove themselves responsible. However, hard work, thrift and honesty are not prerequisites anymore, its credit.
Above all, he was never to present any organized challenge to the existing order of things or engage in movements which might be regarded by whites as detrimental to their economic and political interest.
This has been proven by the murder of influential and effective black leaders such as MLK and Malcolm X. To this day, there are no real black leaders who are a threat to the existing order of white society because the media will give no attention to anyone who voices and opinion contrary to the inequalities and injustices in America. Blacks have fallen to an acceptance to this tactic of restraint and are convinced that all is good.
The passage captured the mindset of whites during the time of blatant racial bigotry. The signs are not physically displayed in store windows and institutions of learning and places of employment, but the psychological signs remain. Deep within the psyche of many whites lies this mind set. Blacks are viewed indiscreetly as having to prove their worthiness. They are stereotyped continually as leaches and burdens to society whether they are successful or not. They are mocked, undermined, excluded and targeted by various social areas of mainstream America.
The question is how should blacks approach this type of treatment and/or whether they should approach it at all. Is fighting for social acceptance among whites worth it? If this was the attitude 100 years ago and the residue lingers in society today in similar forms, is progress being made? Or, should blacks ignore this call for social acceptance and live according to their own sense of humanity and God-given culture. Solution, live according to the God-given culture and ignore a social status quo, let whites wrestle with their own civilized worthiness.
Oct 13, 2008

As the Black unemployment rate leaped another eight percentage points last month n from 10.6 percent to 11.4 percent, the White unemployment rate actually remained the same n at 5.4 percent, less than half the rate for Blacks.
In addition to that in every economic category, from the poverty rate to housing loss African-Americans remain historically and consistently at rock bottom n a condition exacerbated by the national housing and Wall Street financial crisis that forced Congress to reluctantly pass a $700 billion bailout last week.
''We're in a weaker financial position related to the mainstream in the first place,'' said Alfred A. Edmond, Jr., editor-in-chief of, in an interview with the NNPA News Service. “The saying goes, 'when the rest of America gets a cold, Black America gets pneumonia.''
Edmond is just one among Black economic experts across the nation who say as America observes the economic fall out even after the congressional bailout of lending and investment agencies last week, African-Americans must establish creative ways to stay afloat.
“In every relevant economic number, Black people are worse off today than they were in 2000,” says Natioal Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial, in an interview following a Black Leadership Forum telephone conference pertaining to get out to vote efforts as well as the economic bailout. “We’ve lost ground in home ownership, we’ve lost ground in employment, we’ve lost ground in wage verses inflation, we have just lost ground economically in the last eight years.”
Oct 9, 2008
Oct 7, 2008
European terrorist attacks of 1492

Europeans first assaulted our Cemanahuac lands ("The Western Hemisphere") with their terrorist attacks of 1492 (Columbus the pirate, enslaver, and genocidal murderer). In 1519 Europeans (Cortez, the twin beast of Columbus) invaded our Anahuac lands (Mexico, "Central America", "The Western and Southern United States") with more terrorism, massacres and enslavement.
The Europeans (Spaniards, French, and English) and their Criollo descendants broke up our Anahuac-culture lands into what they called: "The Louisiana Purchase" (1803); Mexico (1821); "Central America" (1823); and the "U.S. Southwest" (Texas in 1836 and the rest in 1848). This was a way of making us foreigners on our own lands. We have been made slaves to the interests of the invaders and squatters (people who come to our land to claim it as theirs) who have stolen our rights to the resources and wealth of our land.
The other lands that are not part of the cultural unity of Anahuac belong to our other Nican Tlaca brothers and sisters of this hemisphere, not to the Europeans.
Throughout this campaign of terror, theft, and Genocide, that Europeans have euphemistically called "discovery and exploration", they behaved exactly like murderous terrorists, pirates, barbaric vandals, graverobbers, enslavers, thieves, liars, rapists, and a culture of uncivilized people. They used deceit, dishonesty, and their general dishonorable behavior, as tools against us.
They also used biological weapons as their cowardly weapon of choice against us?in the form of smallpox and other diseases to which they knew we had no immune defenses. This monstrous biological warfare and their uncivilized behavior are what truly destroyed the military defenses of our people. It was not horses or canons, or "military genius" that defeated us and killed millions of our people.
For those who say that Spain and the rest of Europe did not know that they were spreading biological weapons on our people, we respond:
Compare the present-day situation with AIDS and the colonialist-period diseases (primarily smallpox) that the Europeans used as a biological weapon against us.
We'll use an example of a person who has AIDS. This person (he or she) is a carrier of the disease (meaning that they themselves don't die or show symptoms from AIDS). That AIDS infected carrier then has sex with several people. These people later die from that sexual contact. At first that carrier may not have known that they had the disease or that they are carriers of the disease. But from the point that they do know that they are killing people by having sex with them, from point, that infected person has the moral duty to stop spreading their disease.
But when that person continues to have unprotected sex knowing this, and more people die from that sexual contact, this person is now a murderer. That murderer can selfishly justify to himself or herself that they cannot help themselves from having sex because their sexual appetite is so strong. The reality is that they know they are killing people. They know that it is wrong but they are deriving personal pleasure from the act of sex and they feel that they cannot stop that pleasure even if it kills dozens or hundreds of humans.
If that person was a moral person they would simply stop having sex or at least use condoms while engaging in sex to cut the percentage of those killed. But when this person doesn't care about human life and their monstrous greed for sex is unquenchable, and they knowingly continue to have unprotected sex, they have then become serial killers, mass murderers, monsters.
We can compare this scenario with what the Europeans did when they invaded our lands. They immediately saw the deadly effects of contact with our people in the islands of the Caribbean. Within one generation they saw the death that they had impaled our people on. 90 to 100 percent of all of our people on those islands who they came in contact with were killed by European biological warfare.
Columbus and his pirates spread this biological warfare (in the form of small pox) throughout the rest of the Caribbean (they killed 10 million human beings). Cortez used this same weapon in Anahuac (23 million killed). Pizarro used it in the Inca areas (20 million killed). Europeans continued to use this biological weapon all the way down to the establishment of the 18th century "missions" in California. Individual "Americans" and the "U.S." government used smallpox with blankets in the 19th century as a way to "clear Indians off the land" (this made an additional 10 million of our people that were killed in the rest of "North America" from the point that the English and French Europeans invaded our lands there).
The Europeans' monstrous initial appetite for our gold and the enslavement of our labor quickly became a genocidal appetite for our land. Immediately after they saw that they were killing us with their diseases, they could have simply stopped contact with us (if they were a decent caring people) and taken their people back to Europe (which would have been the moral thing to do), but their greed had them coming to our land in boatloads (as pirates, invaders, terrorists, squatters and killing machines), killing us in every possible way that they could, whenever they made contact with us.
They knew of their deadly effect on our people, but they (like the AIDS carrier in the earlier story) didn't stop.
This uncivilized and criminal Genocidal behavior has become not just the crime of Columbus and Cortez, it has now become the collective and ongoing crime of the Europeans in Europe and their descendants on our land. Europe and the European squatters on our land continue to benefit from the crimes of their ancestors.
From the first hour of October 12, 1492 when Europeans illegally first landed on our land, they changed their reality, their morality, and their truth forever:
European Terrorism on Our Land, and Crimes Against Humanity became
"discovery and conquest";
Stealing All of Our Land and Wealth and Making Us Poor
became "manifest destiny";
Murdering Our Leaders, and Massacring Our Women and Children
became "military operations";
Enslavement of Our People and Land to the Interests of Europeans
became "the birth of capitalism";
European "accomplishments" based on Stealing Our Wealth became
"Western Civilization";
and the Monstrous Evils of Colonialism, Slavery,
became "America".
There has been nothing civilized, "Christian", moral, or ethical in the behavior of Europeans since the moment that they illegally set foot on our land. They killed unarmed men, women, and children in the tens of millions. They assaulted, mutilated and tortured our people in order to keep us terrorized, and in a state of constant submission to the process of genocide.
In the last 500 years, in addition to the terrorizing of our Anahuac people, the theft of our lands and the theft of our wealth and natural resources, we have seen: the enslavement of our people; our life-or-death forced conversion to Christianity; the destruction of our Anahuac cities; the burning of our libraries; the execution of our leaders; the theft and/or destruction of our cultural wealth; the theft of our labor; and the theft of our true Anahuac identity, history, heritage, and theology.
But the worst of all of their crimes was, and still remains being, the genocide of 23 million of our people (the 95 % of our population that was savagely killed from 1519 to 1580). Additionally, another 60 to 80 million (or more) Nican Tlaca were annihilated in Cemanahuac ("Western Hemisphere") in the last 500 years.
This genocide is worse than the Jewish, Armenian, African, or any other holocaust or genocide in the history of humanity. We have only begun to seriously understand this in the last 50 years. We are only now beginning to see the monstrous effects that this has had on us as a people.
In order to more properly understand the immensity of this, you have to know that in 1519, Anahuac had a population of about 25 million human beings. In 1519, China also had about 25 million human beings. Today China has over 1,300,000,000 (one billion, 300 million) people. This means that there are over one billion of our people who are not alive today. There are only a little over 150 million people of Anahuac heritage who are alive today. We are what is left of Anahuac's possible one billion people.
The European Genocide of our people destroyed our Einsteins, Shakespeares, Newtons, and all of the other possibilities for greatness that our nation had in the last 500 years.
We must learn all of this history of Genocide in order to properly honor our ancestors. We must remember all of the European crimes committed against us.
We must today, honor and defend our ancestors, and our descendants, by teaching everyone all of the history of Anahuac, including the past and ongoing crimes of the Europeans.
Oct 1, 2008
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