The Obama Deception
Damian Marley & Nas -"Patience"
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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told
Feb 29, 2008
Feb 28, 2008
African History pt.3
Aesop (560 B.C.)
The influence of Aesop on the Western thoughts and morals is profound. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, and other great thinkers found inspiration in his words of wisdom. His writings have been translated into almost every language of the civilized world.
Aesop's was a Phygrian, in Asia Minor, a African slave, flat-nosed, thick lips, Black skin from which his name was contracted (Esop being the same as Ethiop).
Aesop's first master was Xanthus, who saw him in a market where he was for sale with two other slaves, a musician and an orator. Xanthus asked the musician what could he do? He replied "Anything." The orator to the same question replied, "Everything." Turning next to Aesop, "And what can you do?" "Nothing," Aesop replied. "Nothing," repeated Xanthus, and Aesop replied, "One of my companions says he can do anything, and the other says that he can do everything. That leaves me nothing." This is an example of the wit of Aesop .
Feb 27, 2008
Feb 26, 2008
Feb 25, 2008
African History pt.2

Askia The Great (1538)
Mohammed Ben Abu Bekr, the favored general of Sunni Ali , believed that he was entitled to the throne after Sunni Ali's death, rather than Ali's son, Abu Kebr. Claiming that the power was his by right of achievement, Mohammed attacked the new ruler a year later and defeated him in one of the bloodiest battles in history. When one of Sunni Ali's daughters heard the news, she cried out "Askia," which means "forceful one." This title was taken by Mohammed as his new name.Askia began by consolidating his vast empire and establishing harmony among the conflicting religions and political elements. Under the leadership of Askia, the Songhay Empire flourished until it became one of the richest empires of that period. Timbuctoo became known as "The Center of Learning," "The Mecca of the Sudan," and "The Queen of the Sudan."A devout Muslim, Askia Mohammed I made a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1496. One thousand infantry and a cavalry detachment of 500 horsemen accompanied him. He also took 300,000 gold pieces. In Mecca, Askia met the Caliph of Egypt, the Pope of the Islamic church. Askia requested that the Caliph appoint him as his religious representative in West Africa. The Caliph agreed. Askia Mohammed returned to Gao in 1497, with a new title. He was now the Caliph of the Western Sudan, spiritual ruler of all the West African Muslims.
The empire Askia inherited from the Sonni Dynasty was already massive, yet he expanded north, east and west by conquest. Ultimately it would cover an area about the same size as all of Europe. By 1514 his armies captured the Hausa Confederation of northern Nigeria. Next to capitulate was the city of Agades in Niger, and finally the regions to the far west of the empire around the Atlantic. As the kingdom grew into an empire, Askia Mohammed I came up with new methods of government, establishing a strongly centralised administration. Among the most important posts were the Minister of Treasury, the Minister of Tax Collection, the Minister of the Army and Navy, and the Minister of Trade and Industry. In some territories, the Askia allowed the regional kings to rule as they had before, just as long as they paid tribute. In other territories, the Askia created a parallel post to the local governor called the mondyo (i.e. inspector), who formed the official link to the imperial Songhai government. Askia Mohammed I died in 1538 and was buried in a Step Pyramid at Gao. He is fondly remembered as Askia the Great.
With his empire firmly established, Askia resumed his attack on the unbelievers, carrying the rule of Islam into new lands. Askia the Great, made Timbuctoo one of the world's greatest centers of commerce and learning. The brilliance of the city was such, that it still shines in the imagination after three centuries like a star, though dead, continues to send its light. Such was the splendor, that in spite of its many misfortunes after the death of Askia The Great, the vitality of Timbuctoo lives!
Feb 24, 2008
African History pt.1

African history is the oldest human history in the World. From Kemet to the present great leaders have shapped African and world history.So I will try to post our true history as much as possible. -Serious
Amenhotep IV , better known as "Akhenaton, the Heretic King," is in some respects, the most remarkable of the Pharaohs. The account of Akhenaton is not complete without the story of his beautiful wife, Nefertiti. Some archaeologist have referred to Nefertiti as Akhenaton's sister, some have said they were cousins. What is known is that the relationship between Akhenaton and Nefertiti was one of history's first well-known love stories.
At the prompting of Akhenaton and Nefertiti, the sculptors and the artists began to recreate life in its natural state, instead of the rigid and lifeless forms of early Egyptian art. After the death of his father, he came into full power in Egypt and took the name Akhenaton. He produced a profound effect on Egypt and the entire world of his day. Thirteen hundred years before Christ, he preached and lived a gospel of perfect love, brotherhood, and truth. Two thousand years before Muhammed, he taught the doctrine of the "One God." Three thousand years before Darwin, he sensed the unity that runs through all living things.
Shout out to Mo for thee Idea...Peace Queen!!!
Feb 22, 2008

Although the island nation of Japan is assumed by many to have been historically composed of an essentially homogenous population, the accumulated evidence places the matter in a vastly different light. A Japanese proverb states that: "For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood." Another recording of the proverb is: "Half the blood in one's veins must be Black to make a good Samurai." Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan.
In China, an Africoid presence is visible from remote antiquity. The Shang, for example, China's first dynasts, are described as having "black and oily skin." The famous Chinese sage Lao-Tze was "black in complexion."
Funan is the name given by Chinese historians to the earliest kingdom of Southeast Asia. Their records expressly state that, "For the complexion of men, they consider black the most beautiful. In all the kingdoms of the southern region, it is the same."
The first kingdom in Vietnam was the Kingdom of Lin-yi. Its inhabitants possessed "black skin, eyes deep in the orbit, nose turned up, hair frizzy at a period when they were not yet subject to foreign domination and preserved the purity of this type."
The fate of the Black kingdoms and the Black people of Far East Asia must be tied to increased pressure from non-Africoid peoples pushing down from northern Asia. Indeed, the subject of what might be called "Black and Yellow racial and cultural relations in both ancient and modern times" is so critical that it must be developed as a special area of study. It is of particular importance to African and African-oriented scholars and historians.
FBI Death Squad

On Friday, September 23, an FBI hit squad brazenly murdered Puerto Rican independence leader Filiberto Ojeda Ríos in his home in the municipality of Hormigueros. Ojeda Ríos was the historical leader of the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Party/Ejército Popular Boricua – Macheteros. He has been on the feds’ “most wanted” list for the last decade and a half, for having escaped from their mid-1980s judicial vendetta against 15 independentistas. Ojeda’s killing was a cold-blooded assassination by a government death squad, and a deliberate provocation, coming on the anniversary of the 1868 Grito de Lares, when Puerto Ricans first rose up fighting for independence from Spain.
The federal agents arrived by helicopter in mid-afternoon on the 23rd, and according to Ojeda’s wife, Elma Beatriz Rosado Barbosa, they immediately started firing at the house. This was confirmed by a neighbor who saw the agents arrive. Rosado Barbosa also said that the Machetero leader offered to surrender, which was confirmed by an FBI spokesman, and that her husband was still alive when they took her away blindfolded. When she was gone they killed him. The FBI official said that the agents only fired “in self-defense.” This is a blatant lie, contradicted by other government officials. The FBI asked Puerto Rican officials to leave the scene, and then waited for almost 24 hours before entering the house, guaranteeing that their victim would bleed to death.
Feb 20, 2008
300...The movie???

The ancient Greeks were perhaps the worse thieves in the history of the Earth. They robbed the people of Africa and took credit for African accomplishments. The Spartans were nothing more than shock troops that the Greeks used to raid our people. Yet this “300” film portrays them as noble heroes.
The world’s first and greatest civilizations were African. Africans were the first to develop written languages. Africans were first to master advanced mathematics and medicine. We build the great Pyramids in perfect alignment with the stars which we charted and explored.
Africans were also the first to sail the seas and we discovered the New World long before the white man could even build a raft.
This is the true history of world and it is this truth that gnaws the white man. When the white man first washed ashore upon African soil he realized that he was indeed inferior to Africans. Even the primitive mind of the early white men understood that Africa was a majestic place of achievement and glory. But the white man would have you think that he is responsible for written language, art, math, science, medicine and philosophy. The so-called Greek philosophers called Socrates, Plato and Aristotle stole from the Egyptian high priests and took credit for what Africans created. What you read about those Greeks is lies.
Africans treated the early white men as lost children so we took pity on them. We taught them how to speak and how to use basic tools. With this knowledge, we had hope that the white men would become a friendly companion to Africa. Little did we know that white men, armed with African knowledge would come back to attack us.
The first blow to the African civilization was when "Alexander the Great" invaded Africa in 333 BC. The first thing Alexander did was to plunder and destroy the Royal Egyptian Libraries and temples. He did this to hide the truth. This thievery led to Imhotep to lose credit for the discoveries in the area of science. He is the father of modern medicine and not Hippocrates
The white man first attacked us with war and then with slavery. The white man then stole the history of our people and claimed credit for what we built. And now the white man attacks us with lies and deception
In “300” for example, Xerxes is portrayed by a Brazilian actor yet is made up to appear as an effeminate, scheming African man. To add insult to injury, the Xerxes of 300 is shown having the same violent and invading nature of the white man. This is history being turned upside down: the African is shown to be the invader and the white man as the victim.
The Greek warmonger Leonidas murders Africans by kicking them into pits. This is a sign of contempt for Africa and it underscores the white man’s desire to rid the world of all Africans.
From this blog site click below
Feb 19, 2008
Who Will Rule?

Corporate power lies behind nearly every major problem we face-from stagnant wages and unaffordable health care to overconsumption and global warming. In some cases, it is the cause of the problem; in other cases, corporate power is a barrier to system-wide solutions. This dominance of corporate power is so pervasive, it has come to seem inevitable. We take it so much for granted, we fail to see it. Yet it is preventing solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time.
With global warming a massive threat to our planet and a majority of U.S. citizens wanting action, why is the U.S. government so slow to address it? In large part because corporations use lobbying and campaign finance to constrain meaningful headway.
Why are jobs moving overseas, depressing wages at home, and leaving growing numbers under- or unemployed? In large part because trade treaties drafted in corporate-dominated back rooms have changed the rules of the global economy, allowing globalization to massively accelerate on corporation-friendly terms, at the expense of workers, communities, and the environment.
Why are unions declining and benefits disappearing? In large part because corporate power vastly overshadows the power of labor and governments, and corporations play one region off against another, busting unions to hold down labor costs while boosting profits, fueling a massive run-up in the stock market.
Why were electricity, the savings and loan industry, and other critical industries deregulated, contributing to major debacles whose costs are borne by the public? In large part because free market theory, enabled by campaign contributions and lobbying, seduced elected officials into trusting the marketplace to regulate itself.
With all this happening, why do we not read more about the pervasiveness of corporate power? In large part because even the “Fourth Estate,” our media establishment, is majority owned by a handful of mega-corporations.
Big corporations have become de facto governments, and the ethic that dominates corporations has come to dominate society. Maximizing profits, holding down wages, and externalizing costs onto the environment become the central dynamics for the entire economy and virtually the entire society.
What gets lost is the public good, the sense that life is about more than consumption, and the understanding that markets cannot manage all aspects of the social order.
What gets lost as well is the original purpose of corporations, which was to serve the public good.
Feb 18, 2008
Feb 17, 2008
Feb 14, 2008
The Real Reason Hemp is Illegal

Where did the word 'marijuana' come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant...as you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica, which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:
All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.
It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1900s; LA Times, August 12, 1981.
REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.
Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow's export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.
For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for hemp; Webster's New World Dictionary.
80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.
The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.
The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.
Feb 13, 2008
Immortal Technique
[Verse 1 - Immortal Technique]
I pledge no allegiance, nigga fuck the president's speeches
I'm baptized by America and covered in leeches
The dirty water that bleaches your soul and your facial features
Drownin' you in propaganda that they spit through the speakers
And if you speak about the evil that the government does
The Patriot Act'll track you to the type of your blood
They try to frame you, and say you was tryna sell drugs
And throw a federal indictment on niggaz to show you love
This shit is run by fake Christians, fake politicians
Look at they mansions, then look at the conditions you live in
All they talk about is terrorism on television
They tell you to listen, but they don't really tell you they mission
They funded Al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion
Even though Bin Laden, was a CIA tactician
They gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose
Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surface
[Verse 2 - Immortal Technique]
They say the rebels in Iraq still fight for Saddam
But that's bullshit, I'll show you why it's totally wrong
Cuz if another country invaded the hood tonight
It'd be warfare through Harlem, and Washington Heights
I wouldn't be fightin' for Bush or White America's dream
I'd be fightin' for my people's survival and self-esteem
I wouldn't fight for racist churches from the south, my nigga
I'd be fightin' to keep the occupation out, my nigga
You ever clock someone who talk shit, or look at you wrong?
Imagine if they shot at you, and was rapin' your moms
And of course Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons
We sold him that shit, after Ronald Reagan's election
Mercenary contractors fightin' a new era
Corporate military bankin' off the war on terror
They controllin' the ghetto, with the failed attack
Tryna distract the fact that they engineerin' the crack
So I'm strapped like Lee Malvo holdin' a sniper rifle
These bullets'll touch your kids, and I don't mean like Michael
Your body be sent to the morgue, stripped down and recycled
I fire on house niggaz that support you and like you
Cuz innocent people get murdered in the struggle daily
And poor people never get shit and struggle daily
This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal
(I don't rap for dead presidents
I'd rather see the president dead
It's never been said but I set precedents)--[Eminem]
(Shady Records was 80 seconds away from the towers
Some cowards fucked with the wrong building, they meant to hit ours)-- [Eminem]
Warfare of the Whisper

Warfare of the Whisper –dividing the people and keeping them ignorant. By: Peter Chamberlin
When the truth is too horrible to acknowledge, then it becomes very easy to believe in a series of lies instead. If the truth is that our leaders are really monsters, who have purposely manufactured a planned genocidal world war, in order to preserve America’s fading position in the world, then the truth becomes almost impossible to believe.
It is difficult to believe, but there are some people who were shocked to learn that White House spokesmen issued 935 documented falsehoods to lie us into the Iraq war. This says nothing of the far greater number of lies told to create the “war on terror” itself. If it wasn’t for the flowing river of lies known as the “US Government,” we would not now be staring down the barrel of the nuclear gun at another innocent Muslim country. It took thousands of dedicated war party disinformation agents, working non-stop for decades, to give substance to the myth of al Qaida, the official justification for the war. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7787 It has taken many thousands more to sustain the war based on lies, against an imaginary enemy. It is only another small step to extend those lies about wars against imaginary enemies to Iran, an imaginary enemy with imaginary nuclear weapons.
Feb 6, 2008
Feb 5, 2008
Are you Free???

Most don't know it, but most Americans probably have no income or commerce connected with the corporate United States body politic and its zones and territories, i.e. District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands or any of the States of the Union or political subdivisions, thereof, all their earnings from their labour are received from outside these areas, not from within said areas which are foreign to them and they have never been engaged in any revenue taxable activity involving alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, so without a Birth Registration certificate or Social Security Number, they are not legally subject to the jurisdiction of the United States corporate body politic.
But no one will tell you this, or lets you know you were born free, because you won't pay taxes or die in contrived wars. It will upset the International Bankers who are siphoning off our economic base.
They want you to believe you "have to" be their slave. This is accomplished through societal conditioning, and legally, through the constructive fraud of un-rebutted presumptions and withholding all the facts from you.
Feb 2, 2008
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