The Obama Deception
Damian Marley & Nas -"Patience"
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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told
Jan 30, 2008
Jan 28, 2008
Hurricane Katrina And Capitalism

Although hurricanes cannot be prevented, catastrophic results like these can.
Cuba, a socialist country which is organized to meet human needs, has shown that it’s possible to carry out large scale evacuations with very little resources. Less then two months ago, 1.7 million people were evacuated on short notice in preparation for Hurricane Dennis.
In Cuba, both the pickup and delivery of people for evacuations is organized well in advance. The population is well educated about hurricanes, and they know where to go (and how to get there) in emergency situations.
The country’s leaders and knowledgeable meteorologists take charge, going on television and keeping the population informed. In case of power outages, there are special messengers who communicate evacuation plans to each area.
People go door to door to inform everyone of upcoming evacuations, and return to let them know when they have begun.
All shelters are staffed with medical personnel and family doctors evacuate along with their neighborhoods, knowing who needs special medicines (such as diabetics and asthmatics) and bringing them along in sufficient quantities. Veterinarians evacuate animals and items such as televisions and refrigerators are brought along so that people don’t stay behind in attempts to protect them.
If all else fails, people can be evacuated to high schools in the countryside which contain built-in dormitories.
Because of measures like these, made possible by Cuba’s social revolution, the last category 4 hurricane to hit Cuba left only 16 dead – the highest death toll in forty-one years(!) in an island constantly bombarded by hurricanes.
But in the U.S., a capitalist country where profit rules over people, evacuations like these are not only not planned for, they are in fact blocked!
Airlines stopped flights to New Orleans twenty-four hours before they had to, only because it wouldn’t have been profitable to fly airplanes with no passengers on them.
To read full article click on the title of this post.
Jan 26, 2008
Jan 24, 2008
Black Wall Street

The date was June 1, 1921 when "BLACK WALLSTREET", the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-BLACK communities in America, was bombed from the air and burned to the ground by mobs of envious whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving Black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering--a model community destroyed and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused.
The night's carnage left some 3,000 African Americans dead and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half dozen private airplanes and even a bus system. As could have been expected, the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials and many other sympathizers.
In their self-published book, BLACK WALLSTREET: A Lost Dream and its companion video documentary, BLACK WALLSTREET: A BLACK Holocaust in America!, the authors have chronicled for the very first time in the words of area historians and elderly survivors what really happened there on that fateful summer day in 1921 and why it happened. Wallace similarly explained why this bloody event from the turn of the century seems to have had a recurring effect that is being felt in predominately BLACK neighborhoods even to this day.
The best description of BLACK WALLSTREET, or little Africa as it was also known, would be to compare it to a mini-Berverly Hills. It was the golden door of the BLACK community during the early 1900s, and it proved that African Americans could create a successful infrastructure. That's what BLACK WALLSTREET was all about.
The dollar circulated 36 to 100 times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the community. Now in 1995, a dollar leaves the BLACK community in 15-minutes. As far as resources, there were Ph.D.'s residing in little Africa, BLACK attorneys and doctors. One doctor was Dr. Berry who owned the bus system. His average income was $500 a day, a hefty pocket change in 1910.
During that era physicians owned medical schools. There were also pawn shops everywhere, brothels, jewelry stores, 21 churches, 21 restaurants and two movie theaters, It was a time when the entire state of Oklahoma had only two Airports, Yet six BLACKS owned their own planes. It was a very fascinating community.
The area encompassed over 600 businesses and 36 square blocks with a population of 15,000 African Americans. And when the lower-economic Europeans looked over and saw what the BLACK community created, many of them were jealous. When the average student went to school on BLACK WALLSTREET, he wore a suit and tie because of the morals and respect they were taught at a young age.
The mainstay of the community was to educate every child. Nepotism was the one word they believed in. and that's what we need to get back to in 1995. The main thoroughfare was Greenwood Avenue, and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets. From the first letters in each of those three names you get G.A.P. and that's where the renowned R and B music group the GAP Band got its name. They're from Tulsa.
BLACK WALLSTREET was a prime example of the typical, BLACK community in America that did businesses, but it was in an unusual location. You see, at the time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a BLACK and Indian state. There were over 28 BLACK townships there. One third of the people who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears" along side the Indians between 1830 and 1842 were BLACK people.
The citizens of this proposed Indian and BLACK state chose a BLACK governor, a treasurer from Kansas named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he assumed office that they would kill him within 48 hours. A lot of BLACKS owned farmland, and many of them had gone into the oil business. The community was so tight and wealthy because they traded dollars hand-to-hand, and because they were dependent upon one another as a result of the Jim Crow Laws.
It was not unusual that if a resident's home accidentally burned down, it could be rebuilt within a few weeks by neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going on day-to-day on BLACK WALLSTREET. When BLACKs intermarried into the Indian culture, some of them received their promised '40 acres and a mule' and with that came whatever oil was later found on the properties.
Just to show you how wealthy a lot of BLACK people were, there was a banker in the neighboring town who had a wife named California Taylor. Her father owned the largest cotton Gin west of the Mississippi (River). When California shopped, she would take a cruise to Paris every three months to have her clothes made.
There was also a man named Mason in nearby Wagner County who had the largest potato farm west of the Mississippi. When he harvested, he would fill 100 boxcars a day, Another brother not far away had the same thing with a spinach farm. The typical family then was five children or more, though the typical farm family would have 10 kids or more who made up the nucleus of the labor.
On BLACK WALLSTREET, a lot of global business was conducted, The community flourished from the early 1900s until June 1, 1921. That's when the largest massacre of nonmilitary Americans in the history of this country took place, and it was lead by the KU KLUX KLAN. Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500 homes being burned. It must have been amazing.
Survivors we interviewed think that the whole thing was planned because during the time that all of this was going on, white families with their children stood around the borders of their community and watched the massacre. The looting and everything--much in the same manner they would watch a lynching.
The riots weren't caused by anything black or white. It was caused by jealousy. A lot of white folks had come back from World War I and they were poor. When they looked over into the BLACK communities and realized that BLACK men who fought in the war had come home heroes that helped trigger the destruction.
It cost the BLACK community everything, and not a single dime of restitution--no insurance claims-- has been awarded the victims to this day. Nonetheless, they rebuilt. We estimate, that 1,500 to 3,000 people were killed and we know that a lot of them were buried in mass graves all around the city. Some were thrown into the river. As a matter of fact, at 21st street and Yale Avenue, where there now stands a Sears parking lot, that corner used to be a coal mine. They threw a lot of the bodies into the shafts.
BLACK Americans don't know about this story because we don't apply the word HOLOCAUST to our struggle. Jewish people use the word HOLOCAUST all the time. White people use the word HOLOCAUST. It's politically correct to use it. But we BLACK folks use the word, people think we're being cry babies or that we're trying to bring up old issues. No one comes to our support.
In 1910, our forefathers and mothers owned 13 million acres of land at the height of racism in this country, so the BLACK WALLSTREET BOOK and VIDEOTAPE prove to naysayers and revisionists that we had our act together. Our mandate now is to begin to teach our children about our own, ongoing BLACK HOLOCAUST. They have to know when they look at our communities today that we don't come from this.
Jan 22, 2008
Jan 21, 2008
Liquid Crack

Known as "liquid crack," malt liquor is the trash of American brews. It is disguised as good old American beer. However, malt liquor's alcohol content is twice as high, and its concentration of corn syrup and other sweeteners serves to raise the intoxication process. Even beer industry documents refer to malt liquor as "high octane."
A 40-ounce bottle of malt liquor, which is usually a serving for one drinker, has the same amount of alcohol as five shots of whiskey. Its effect often times lead to violent and even murderous actions.
Malt liquor is also the cheapest legal high you can get. Selling exclusively in poor area corner stores for as little as $1.39 for a 40-ounce bottle, King Cobra, for example, goes for about the same price as soda water.
In the United States, malt-liquor drinking has been most often associated with the African-American community. Black consumption of all malt-liquor brands in this country is estimated at 28 percent, but it is considerably higher for such high-profile malts as Olde English 800 and St. Ides. A marketing brochure for Olde English once noted that the product is "brewed for relatively high-alcohol content (important to the ethnic market!)." And spokespersons for St. Ides ads are almost exclusively African-American rap artists.
"Black consumption of all malt-liquor brands in this country is estimated at 28 percent..." -- "Malt Assault" by J. Douglas Allen-Taylor
"Although African Americans are only 14% of the population, they are reported to consume 30% of malt liquor beers." -- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Malt Liquor Beer Drinking Behavior Among African American Men in South Central Los Angeles by Didra Brown Taylor, p. xvi and p.136
"... while malt liquor accounted for only 3% of total beer sales in 1989, up to 32% of its sales are in African American communities (Alaniz & Wilkes, 1998)." -- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Malt Liquor Beer Drinking Behavior Among African American Men in South Central Los Angeles by Didra Brown Taylor, p. 27
"Although malt liquor is only 3% of total beer sales, up to 32% of its sales are in the African American communities." -- Newsweek, 1989
"According to the Institute on Black Chemical Abuse, African Americans consume one-third of all malt liquor although they constitute only 12% of the population." -- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Malt Liquor Beer Drinking Behavior Among African American Men in South Central Los Angeles by Didra Brown Taylor, p. 4
"Given that African American men drink a third of all malt liquor beer..." -- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Malt Liquor Beer Drinking Behavior Among African American Men in South Central Los Angeles by Didra Brown Taylor, p. 158
"Miller Brewing Co. has estimated that blacks buy 66% of the nation's malt liquor." -- "Marketing Malt Liquor in Beer's Clothing" by Bill Kurtz, August 2, 2001
"Urban blacks make up almost 75% of the malt liquor market." -- Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University, 1998
"According to industry statistics, young, urban, African Americans make up 74% of the malt liquor market." -- Rob Nelson, "Liquid Crack,"
"I guess you could say that malt liquor is like a beer that makes you want to break stuff." -- Tim Teichgraeber, wine critic.
This ugly truth was brought to the publics attention when hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast. Many American became enraged about how the poor black people on T.V. were being treated. Thousands of press conferences detailing the horrors of The Superdome and the raw tales of survival brought many Americans to their knees. Why did this happen? How could this happen? I got news for you. Katrina had some accomplices. Katrina did not put the poor in the immobile position they were in. Katrina did not hold them still and force them to face her wrath. Katrina was just a hurricane. We knew Katrina was coming. We knew that New Orleans was ripe for a flood. However, what we also knew is that poor people are pimped out everyday. Because of this, they are easy targets.
Jan 20, 2008
The wealth of the west was built on Africa's exploitation

By Richard Drayton
Britain was the principal slaving nation of the modern world. In The Empire Pays Back, a documentary broadcast by Channel 4 on Monday, Robert Beckford called on the British to take stock of this past. Why, he asked, had Britain made no apology for African slavery, as it had done for the Irish potato famine? Why was there no substantial public monument of national contrition equivalent to Berlin's Holocaust Museum? Why, most crucially, was there no recognition of how wealth extracted from Africa and Africans made possible the vigour and prosperity of modern Britain? Was there not a case for Britain to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves?
These are timely questions in a summer in which Blair and Bush, their hands still wet with Iraqi blood, sought to rebrand themselves as the saviours of Africa. The G8's debt-forgiveness initiative was spun successfully as an act of western altruism. The generous Massas never bothered to explain that, in order to benefit, governments must agree to "conditions", which included allowing profit-making companies to take over public services. This was no gift; it was what the merchant bankers would call a "debt-for-equity swap", the equity here being national sovereignty. The sweetest bit of the deal was that the money owed, already more than repaid in interest, had mostly gone to buy industrial imports from the west and Japan, and oil from nations who bank their profits in London and New York. Only in a bookkeeping sense had it ever left the rich world. No one considered that Africa's debt was trivial compared to what the west really owes Africa.
Beckford's experts estimated Britain's debt to Africans in the continent and diaspora to be in the trillions of pounds. While this was a useful benchmark, its basis was mistaken. Not because it was excessive, but because the real debt is incalculable. For without Africa and its Caribbean plantation extensions, the modern world as we know it would not exist.
Profits from slave trading and from sugar, coffee, cotton and tobacco are only a small part of the story. What mattered was how the pull and push from these industries transformed western Europe's economies. English banking, insurance, shipbuilding, wool and cotton manufacture, copper and iron smelting, and the cities of Bristol, Liverpool and Glasgow, multiplied in response to the direct and indirect stimulus of the slave plantations.
Joseph Inikori's masterful book, Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England, shows how African consumers, free and enslaved, nurtured Britain's infant manufacturing industry. As Malachy Postlethwayt, the political economist, candidly put it in 1745: "British trade is a magnificent superstructure of American commerce and naval power on an African foundation."
In The Great Divergence, Kenneth Pomeranz asked why Europe, rather than China, made the breakthrough first into a modern industrial economy. To his two answers - abundant coal and New World colonies - he should have added access to west Africa. For the colonial Americas were more Africa's creation than Europe's: before 1800, far more Africans than Europeans crossed the Atlantic. New World slaves were vital too, strangely enough, for European trade in the east. For merchants needed precious metals to buy Asian luxuries, returning home with profits in the form of textiles; only through exchanging these cloths in Africa for slaves to be sold in the New World could Europe obtain new gold and silver to keep the system moving. East Indian companies led ultimately to Europe's domination of Asia and its 19th-century humiliation of China.
Africa not only underpinned Europe's earlier development. Its palm oil, petroleum, copper, chromium, platinum and in particular gold were and are crucial to the later world economy. Only South America, at the zenith of its silver mines, outranks Africa's contribution to the growth of the global bullion supply.
The guinea coin paid homage in its name to the west African origins of one flood of gold. By this standard, the British pound since 1880 should have been rechristened the rand, for Britain's prosperity and its currency stability depended on South Africa's mines. I would wager that a large share of that gold in the IMF's vaults which was supposed to pay for Africa's debt relief had originally been stolen from that continent.
There are many who like to blame Africa's weak governments and economies, famines and disease on its post-1960 leadership. But the fragility of contemporary Africa is a direct consequence of two centuries of slaving, followed by another of colonial despotism. Nor was "decolonisation" all it seemed: both Britain and France attempted to corrupt the whole project of political sovereignty.
For full article click on the title of this post
Jan 18, 2008
Jan 16, 2008
Jan 15, 2008
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are the major cause of poverty in African countries today. Despite claims that they will reduce poverty in Africa, it is widely accepted that most of the debts, as a cause of poverty in Africa, are due to the policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
Their programmes have been heavily criticized over the years because they most times result in poverty scenarios. The IMF and the World Bank's polices are very different now from what they were originally intended for. These two monetary institutions were first formed by 44 nations at the Bertton Woods Conference in 1944 with the goal of creating a stable framework for post war global economy.
The IMF in particular, was originally formed to promote steady growth and full employments by offering unconditional loans to economies in crises and establishing mechanisms to stabilize exchange rates and facilitate currency exchange.
Much of these visions never came to reality. Pressure from the US government made IMF started offering loan based on strict conditions. Critics have said that these policies have reduced the level of social safety and worsened labour and environmental standards in developing countries.
The World Bank, initially known as the International Bank for Reconstructions and Development, was formed to fund the rebuilding of infrastructure in nations ravaged by world war two. Its focus too, soon changed in the mid 1980's. The Bank turned its attention away from Europe to the third World countries, most of which are in Africa. It started funding massive industrial development projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Most Scholars and human rights activists contended with the Bank's aggressive dealings, with developing nations, which were often ruled by dictatorial regimes, exacerbated the developing world's growing debt crisis, devastated local ecologies and indigenous communities.
The World Bank and IMF adjustment programmes differ according to the role of each institution. IMF's loan conditions focus on monetary and fiscal issues. They emphasize programmes to address inflation and balance of payment problems, often requiring specific levels of cut backs in total government spending.
The adjustment programmes of the World Bank are wider in scope, with a more long term development focus.
They highlight market liberalizations, seen as promoting growth theory expanding exports particularly cash crops.
The IMF and World Bank are largely controlled and owned by the development nations such as USA, Germany, UK, Japan, amongst others. The US for example controls 17 to 18% of the voting right at the IMF. When an 85% majority is required for a decision, the US effectively has veto power at the IMF. In addition, the World Bank is 51% funded by the US treasury.

- Almost every person in a so-called "democratic" society thinks that so-called elections are REAL.You either vote Republican or Democrat in a two party system, which is NOT what true democracy is all about. If your father or mother was s Democrat or a Republican, that's who you probably voted for. They taught you in school about so-called "democracy" and about George Washington and all other Presidents never telling lies...yeah, right, sure. They taught you about every war that was ever fought and how proud you should be because America won. Early on children are taught that war and the killing of millions of human beings in wars is "normal" acceptable human behavior and not the acts of sick insane killer MAD MEN. Dropping not one but two atomic bombs on Japan and killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children was NOT considered a major war crime and neither President Truman nor anyone else went to jail for committing what could be considered the greatest, most atrocious war crime in history. It is now known and reported that the Japanese were ready to surrender BEFORE the bombs were dropped. They don't teach you in school that America is the most warring Nation on the planet and that the Illuminati manipulated U.S.A. has been responsible for the deaths of over 60,000,000 human beings in 55 wars or U.S. supported conflicts all over the world in the last 65 years.
- Rather than go into the details of who and what the Illuminati are, you can just put Illuminati in and take the time to read for your self how this small secret group has set up a worldwide web of secret societies whose goal it is to pursue their quest for a One World Government, organized as a global fascist police State, ruled by a so-called "elitist" dictatorship! You can also get a detailed historical story of who the Illuminati are in David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret".The Illuminati intentionally and covertly control the publishing companies that write the history books that are used in American schools and other schools throughout the world, so they can write whatever history they want the people to believe in order for them to easily move forward and achieve their agenda.
- They have also put together a group of about ten huge multi-national media conglomerates that control EVERY major T.V. and radio station, newspaper, magazine, movie and music company and book publisher. So the only "truth" that you get is the "truth" that the Illuminati want you to believe.This is the main way that the Illuminati suppress the real TRUTH about 911, the war in Iraq, the unconstitutional income tax, the independent banking cartel called the Federal Reserve that controls all the money in the U.S.A. etc. They want the American people to believe that they live in a democracy and that their elections are "real" and "free" and not manipulated or corrupted. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH....READ COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE:
Jan 14, 2008
The Destruction Of Africa's Image

Algiers, capital city of Algeria, North Africa.
One can safely say that Africa is the continent that most people would associate with mass starvation, diseases, and the lack of infrastructures. It is so common to see images of skinny, hungry, dying African children in the western media, to the point that it has become common belief that Africa is the continent of death. Yes, they make it sound like in the land of the pharaohs no one has had a smile on his or her face for a thousand years. The picture they have been trying to depict is simple; it is only to make the case that Africa is the land of savages that had to be colonized by the Europeans in order to be civilized, so in an attempt to justify the shame of colonization and excuse the brutality of it, year after year, decade after decade, and now in a new millennium, the negative light shined and continues to shine as the light of choice in which the image of Africa was to be and is to be projected. Do not get me wrong, for I am not trying to make the case that the negative images of Africa that are in the mainstream media are not images of Africa . I am just trying to say that they are not the complete image of Africa. No, they couldn't be the complete image of Africa. The image of the land where Lalibela carved his churches out of volcanic rocks, the land of those who built the great Zimbabwe, the pyramids, the obelisks and the sphinxes is more complex than a war in Sudan or a famine in Niger.
If I am not mistaking, it was on Wednesday January 11 2006 that a friend paid me a nightly visit. I was a little busy when she came, so after I told her to have a seat; I went back to my computer desk where I was doing some design work on a website, then a picture on my computer monitor, of a city with high rises caught her eyes; she was quick to assume that it was New York City, but it was not. The picture she had just seen was of an East African city; it was a picture of Nairobi, Kenya, yet it is the kind of image that most people in the western world would not expect out of an African country because it is simply the kind that defies their common belief about Africa. The picture that I am referring to was not a representation of Africa that she, an American born, American raised had been exposed to for most of her life. It was not a picture of a small African village with hungry, sick, orphans waiting to die just like their disease stricken parents. No it was not a picture of a tribal war depicting ethnic cleansing. It was instead a picture of a city with modern infrastructures. A picture that was mistaken for one of New York City and millions like it can be taken in dozens of African cities.
It is as if the western Medias have been conspiring to show Africa in the negative light. It is as if they have agreed to disregard any positive images or news out of Africa, so they can concentrate all their energy on the negative ones. The question then becomes “Why would they do such a thing?” There can be many answers to this question, but a historically oriented answer could be an imperial, arguably racist one; an argument aimed at making the case that the colonization of Africa was necessary for the good of humanity as a whole. To believe that argument is to believe that the populations of Africa were uncivilized before civilization was given to them by the Europeans colonizers through an imperialistic system designed to dominate them politically and exploit them economically with injustice, inequality and brutality. That argument alone would be an insult to humanity as a whole because it would be on one hand to suggest that the transfer of commodities, techniques, and technologies could not have been done between Europe and Africa without the shame of colonization, and on the other hand it would be denying mankind thousands of years of civilization in Africa just as if Egypt, Nubia, Sheba, Zimbabwe, Timbuktu, and Carthage, just to name a few, never existed. Colonization is inexcusable, but in an attempt to excuse and defend imperialism, leaders and policy makers of the West went out of their way to drag the image of Africa in the dirt, so the negative propaganda is still being propagated, perhaps at a subconscious level in some cases....
for complete article go to this blog
Jan 13, 2008
The True Author of the Matrix

Ms. Sophia Stewart an African-american woman is the true author of The Matrix
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart owns the original copyrights (1981, 1983 and 1984) for The Third Eye, the manuscript from which The Terminator and The Matrix franchises were produced?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart’s book entitled “ The Third Eye “ was with Fox Studios for five years (1981 –1985)?
• Did you know that Fox Studios released Stewart’s work (The Third Eye) in 1984 as The Terminator and it was not until the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) notified her in 2001 that she learned about the theft?
• Did you know that in 1986, Sophia Stewart submitted The Third Eye to the Wachoski brothers and they never replied?
• Did you know that the 1994-copyrighted script titled The Matrix, owned by the Wachoski brothers, bears no resemblance to the 1999 movie release?
• Did you know that this same ’94 copyright was hidden from the State judge during Larry Wachowski divorce proceedings in 2003 and was never entered in the Federal court of Sophia Stewart’s case.
• Did you know that in July 2003 in an unrelated case Lawrence Wachoski said that he and his brother wrote The Matrix in 1993 and later on in that same case said it was not true?
• Did you know that the FBI investigated Stewart’s case because criminal copyright infringement is a federal crime?
• Did you know that the FBI found that The Terminator and The Matrix were based upon Sophia Stewart’s Epic The Third Eye?
• Did you know that there have been several revisions to the original Matrix movie released in 1999?
• Did you know that direct quotes were taken from Sophia Stewart’s work, The Third Eye?
• Did you know that an introduction was taken out of Sophia Stewart’s Epic “ The Third Eye “ and was used in verbatim for the opening of the original Matrix movie?
• Did you know that in 1999 Warner Brothers tried to settle the case with Sophia Stewart and negotiations broke down when she was advised not to settle by a studio insider?
• Did you know that in 2003, after waiting for the FBI to take action, Sophia Stewart went to court to fight for her rights as copyright owner?
• Did you know that the defendants hired the first judge’s son to defend them after the case was filed and that Judge Terry Hatter had to recuse himself from the case?
• Did you know that the lawyers representing the defendants admitted “ willful intent “ by claiming that the statue of limitations had run out for the Terminator?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart was represented by four of the most reputable law firms in the country; yet, they have not subpoenaed records & evidence, which are vital to winning her case?
• Did you know that Sophia’s case was written in the Law Review September 16, 2004, has received international attention, and is being monitored by lawyers and legal organizations around the country?
• Did you know that because of the possible indictments for criminal activities related to this case including copyright infringement, obstruction of justice, collusion, duplicity, and fraud, it is in the best interest of the defendants to settle the civil case to avoid criminal prosecution?
• Did you know that The Matrix won four Oscars, one of which was for the special effects which Sophia Stewart created and submitted with her original manuscript?
• Did you know that by 2006, The Matrix and The Terminator film franchises have earned over $2.5 billion dollars and to date Sophia Stewart, The Mother of The Matrix, has not received one dime for her work?
• Did you know that James Cameron never wrote the Terminator and his name is only part of the title in the ’84 copyright?
• Did you know that Gale Ann Hurd’s own Production Company called Pacific Western hired her as an employee to write the Terminator and that Hemdale Film is claiming to be the owner on the copyright?
• Did you know while in Federal Court Fox denied distributing the ’84 Terminator yet, they did distribute the film in Germany?
• Did you know that the March 31, 1999 nationwide release of the Matrix movie was not registered until April 16, 1999 raising questions on ownership and why a film would be published and released the same day?
• Did you know that Warner Brothers’ claim is there is no “ source work “ for the Matrix movie?
• Did you that Warner Brothers has stated the Matrix film is based on an original screenplay, and contains an original story?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart has several letters of access from Fox and certified return receipts?
• Did you know that Carrie-Ann Moss (Trinity) starred in a 1993 Canadian television series called Matrix?
• Did you know that the Wachowski Brothers in an interview with Steve Hockensmith admitted they never wrote the first Matrix film instead they hired comic-book artist to draw the entire movie?
• Did you know after Sophia Stewart contacted the Wachowski Brothers they signed a contract with Warner Brothers to never do any interviews on the Matrix movie?
• Did you know in a May 13, 2004 letter to Sophia Stewart that Fox admitted to distributing “ Terminator 1 “ in the home video market in foreign territories and claim that they had limited involvement with “ Terminator1 “?
• Did you know that the Wachowski brothers had already defaulted by more than 30 days in the federal courts before Warner Brother lawyers decided to defend them?
• Did you know that an African American woman named Sophia Stewart created the matrix movie?
• Did you know that the same law firm defended all eight of the defendants in the Matrix case?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewarts own lawyers prevented her from going to trial because they failed to answer the admissions, failed to put in the evidence and they did not defend the opposition to block Sophia Stewart from speaking?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart got a letter of access dated May 19 1999 from Warner Brothers comparing her original draft of The Third Eye with the Matrix Movie?
• Did you know that all of the characters and some of the special effects in the Matrix I film were created by Sophia Stewart?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart has been in the federal court system since April 24, 2003, for over three years?
• Did you know that the quote “Ill be back” made world famous by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was created by Sophia Stewart, and is a direct quote from Sophia Stewarts Epic The Third Eye?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart has already made history because her Matrix case is recorded in the courts and has been heard and read about around the entire world?
• Did you know why Sophia Stewart was prevented from going to trial and why going to trial would have sent the defendants to jail?
• Did you know that the FBI violated Sophia Stewart’s Civil & Constitutional Rights because she did not get due process of the law, and the government failed to protect her copyrights?
• Did you know that the Oracle in the Matrix movie was based on the real life of Sophia Stewart?
• Did you know that Sophia Stewart has been using the Matrix and Terminator for years and no countersuits have ever been filed?
• Did you know the defendants have never denied that Sophia Stewart wrote the Matrix or Terminator?

Melanin Absorption Ability / Drug Use
Melanin will chemically react to (or mix with) various drugs such as Marijuana, Alcohol, Cocaine, Cigarettes ect… This reaction causes the Black drug user to have a decrease in the various body functions (physically mentally, and spiritually) including the brain and causes him to be highly addictive because his body now thinks that the drug he is using is melanin (a natural component of the body). Also he will stay dependent on a drug for a longer time. Some of the legal drugs may have this same affect on black people. These drugs mix (bond to) with your melanin and causes the drug to stay in your system longer. Some electrical frequencies can be harmful to melanated people, and this energy is being sent through your body from the various electrical components around you. Melanin is produced by your Pineal Gland (spiritual gland). African's called the pineal gland the cradle of God. The consumption of green plants keeps the Pineal Gland functioning at its highest level. The mixing of the Drug Cocaine with your body's melanin will eventually lead to a poisoning of the body and death. Don't use food as a drug; over eating is harmful to your health. Remember that a lot of the drugs that we ingest are substances that have been altered from their natural state. Our body's reactions to these unnatural substances are always some kind of ill effect. This is why we have so many side effects from taking the various drugs including doctor prescribed commercial drugs (aspirin, allergy medications, ect…) drugs.
The White man's body can not store up the large amounts of energy that the Black mans Melanated body can and this lack of energy storage due to lack of melanin causes his body to function at a lower level than that of the Black Man's and therefore subjects him to more bodily disorders (physically, mentally and spiritually). Remember that a lot of so called White people or Blacks saying they or White, note how some so called Whites can tan(Black) but others can not(white). Historical, artifacts and human remains all show that the Black man and woman were on this planet before the white man so therefore all humanity should be classified as Black people. Which leads use to the fact that their is only one race of people on this planet and all of the separating factors such as race, religion, class, wealth, country are only man-made and not based on facts or truths.
Melanin in some instances will act like a conductor and will conduct electrical current but it also can act as an insulator and not allow current to pass through it. Melanin will also store up various minerals in the body, to use later in keeping the body functioning. It is also involved in giving Black people the rhythmic abilities in dance and song. Melanin aids in the fast movement of the eye and all other muscles in your body, one reason for this is that the melanin passes the signal from brain to the muscle, at a faster rate through the black man/woman nervous system. Your entire body operates off electric signals the majority of them from the brain. The Melanin in your body is the electric wire or conductor that sends and receives messages from the brain and environment. (The pineal gland uses copper to create melanin).
Lack of melanin in a pregnant woman may cause the woman to lose the child or the child may be born with a birth defect. This is why Whites have a higher death rate in child birth than Blacks, and they have more children born with birth defects.