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Kemet Matrix : The Greatest Story Never Told


Feb 26, 2012


Ptah-Hotep Ptah was the predynastic Mennefer and was God of Memphis, capital of Kemet (ancient Egypt) from the earliest dynastic times. From a god of craftsmen to the deity who crafted the universe and the other deities, Ptah was the third highest god, only overshadowed by the sun god Ra, and the hidden god Amen. In the Book of Coming Forth by Day we learn that he was a master architect of the universe. It was said that he fashioned the universe through words of power and by thought. He was also the patron deity of creativity, architects and artistry. He helped guide the dead on their travels through the afterlife, allowing them to transform into his divine figure, or by building the boats on which they could travel. He was an ancient god who the Kamites worshiped through their long history. Hanging from the back of his neck is the Menat, a symbol of happiness. He is normally depicted holding the Uas (phoenix-headed) scepter (longevity) with an Ankh (symbols of life) and a Djed (sign of stability). He is husband of Sekhmet (Mighty One). Archeology Findings The oldest known fossil remains, according to Dr. Louis Leakey, were found in the Olduvai Gorge region in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These first "small stature" people were known as the "Twa", who worshipped the God Bes, a earlier human form of Heru (Horus I), being the earliest form of Ptah the God of Gods. They are a diminutive Africoid people residing in the rain forests of Central Africa. Related groups live in South and Southeast Asia.